ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 22

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Published 10/6/20

Luca's Pov

After dinner I went up to my chambers. I ordered that nobody disturb me for the rest of the evening. I sat at the edge of my bed and stared at the burning embers that remained in the fireplace. The embers were red, much like how I am feeling at the moment. I clutched the chalice that was in my hand. I was enraged, but what Ayla said earlier sent my anger ablaze.

"Well, I saw Annalise in the market square with a boy. He seemed very taken with her and she him. Perhaps she wanted to spend time with her lover."

At the thought, I was shaking and I threw my chalice at the wall above the fireplace. I closed my eyes and laid my head down on the bed. My brain still tormenting me of thoughts of Ann and this lover boy. I took a deep breath, and tried to fall into a peaceful sleep.

I awoke to a knock at the door. The room was completely dark. The only thing I could see was the orange glowing embers in the fireplace. The knock sounded again. I got up from the bed, put on my robe, and walked over to the door. I open to see Agnola holding a candle. I squint at the light.

"Agnola, what is it?" I ask in a low tone.

"My lord, Agnesia has come back."

At that statement, I feel no longer tired. Hopeful that Ann has returned with her. "And Annalise?"

Agnola ignores my question, but ushers me to follow her. I quickly follow Agnola through the dark and empty halls. I am eager to see Ann, knowing that she will be safe within the castle walls. Agnola leads me to the kitchen where I find servants surrounding a disheveled Agnesia. All of my hope washes away at that moment. When the servants noticed me, they part away. I take a good look at Agnesia. Her hair was tangled with leaves, dirt covered her skin and clothes.

She sees me and immediately gets up and drops on her knees in front of me.

"I tried your majesty, but they did not want to let her go! I tried everything I could to get her out!" She exclaims with tears streaming down her face. Servants came over and helped her to get up off the floor.

When Agnesia later composed herself, she told me everything about what happened. I made an announcement to the servants that I would ride out when the sun rose in search of Ann.

Later that morning when the sun was rising, I walked over to the stables to find 10 of my men all mounted. I walked over to my grey horse that a stable boy was holding for me. I mounted and was about to flick my reins until a voice shouted.

"Wait!" I see Ayla running from the corridor with a man in tow. "Please, take one of my men. He is skilled archer, best in my kingdom. Allow me to offer you some help."

I studied the knight and gave him a curt nod. One more hand couldn't hurt. Ayla gave me a grin and placed a kiss upon my hand. Once the Hungarian knight was mounted on a horse, I flicked my reins and the horse started galloping toward the gate. My men followed suit.

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