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As soon as I put the phone away, I stomped out of the snow, angry again for being there. The world was very unfair!

I kicked a small pile of snow that was in my way and then I felt that my sock got a little wet. I couldn't believe that after all that, my new boot was flat! I would've to go back to change again!

I know my mom would be crazy if I took too long, so I looked for a quicker way back to the store, and I found it. I just walked over to it. I hadn't taken two steps when I heard a scream from a woman behind me. I looked in time to see a girl skiing at full speed right in my direction! I tried to escape to the left, but she'd the same idea and turned to the same side. The next moment I felt the biggest thud, and all I saw was snow.

"Did you get hurt?", she asked trying to get up, as I'd fallen flat on my face.

"I think I cut my lip a little," I replied, tasting blood in my mouth. "And my hands are strange, as if they've been burned."

"They're burned!", she said, crouching beside me, "You must have put them both in the snow to cushion the fall. What crazy idea was that to cross the ski slope, kukla? Let's get out of here before more people run over you".

Perhaps her way of speaking, as if she were lecturing me, made me look up for the first time to look at her. She'd her face covered with ski equipment, but as soon as she saw that I was watching her, she took off her glasses and hat and then it all made sense... the blonde girl from the bus, one of those who was throwing snow at me yesterday.

I rolled my eyes and tried to get up, but my hands were really sore.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?", she said holding me. "You'll have to make a dressing on these hands!"

"I know how to take care of myself", I said supporting myself, but my clothes slid, so I ended up lying down again. She laughed, which made me angrier.

"I see you know how to take care of yourself!"

She pulled me off the ski track, and in that moment my mother appeared.

"Trixie, what happened? Did you fall in the snow? Did you hurt yourself?"

"I ran over her, she was walking in the ski area, I couldn't get around in time", the girl answered for me.

My mom just shook her head, apologizing to the girl.

She giggled and said, "I'm glad Trixie learned her lesson!". Before I could realize that she had remembered my name, she continued, "Well, I've to teach some classes now."

"What are you in class for? Aren't you too young for that?", my mother asked.

"I'm 17 years old. We've had a hotel here for years. I started teaching children when I was 15".
"How cute!", my mother said, making me ashamed. "Look, Trixie, she was practically your age and was already teaching!"

"Mom, she already said she's to teach now, can we go?", I asked, wanting to get it over with quickly.
"That's true, sorry!", she replied. "Just one more thing. If your parents are from here, how do you speak English so well? You've only a slight accent... I could've sworn you were American!"

"I actually live in the USA. I was born in Moscow, Russia, and I've never lost my accent. When I was a child, my parents moved out, but they ended up missing the snow and the intense cold. Although we live in the United States, they still are kinda against the country, and they refuse to set foot in Alaska. So, we ended up here in Chile".

"What an interesting story! Well, let's not take your time anymore! I didn't even ask your name... This one you already know is Trixie", she said taking off her glove and extending her hand to her.
"Yekaterina. It's a common name in Russia, but you can call me Katya!", she said also extending her hand.

"Nice to meet you, Katya! We love meeting you. Isn't it, Trix?"

I just gave a forced smile, and she responded spontaneously. I had to admit: she was very pretty...
Then she replaced the glove, hat and goggles and, before pushing the ski, said: "I hope to see you again soon!".

a/n: im vv insecure w this part. i feel like ive made a lot of mistakes, even tho i couldnt find it. please be patient w me and lmk if i wrote smth wrong :)

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