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I lost track of time, hunger, and emotions. I felt so empty within and despite all the sobbing, tears still occasionally leaked out of my eyes. For the first time in my life, I fell in love after receiving nothing but hate, and now the man who captured my heart didn't feel the same.

I sat by the riverbank and watched as its current increased as grey clouds hid the bright blue sky. The air smelled like the sea and the humidity increased and I knew it would rain soon.

I knew I had to go back to the castle and eventually face Nathaniel. I just don't think I'll ever be ready to face him and move on from this, but I don't have any other choice.

If I were to run away, I knew Nathaniel would not rest until I'm found. Not because he cares for me, rather his reputation would be tarnished if his wife ran away from him. The only way he would restore it is by finding me. Even if he didn't love me back, I knew I loved him and tarnishing his name in any way will never be my intention.

I heard footsteps near me and turned my head around to face the unknown person. I did not have anything to protect myself with, so I grabbed a large stick beside me, ready to hit my attacker.

I swung the stick and heard a yelp. The large figure stumbled back while he rubbed the bruise on his forehead. I felt guilty immediately and walked up to that person.

"I'm so sorry Killian. I thought you were someone else and got scared."

"I understand and it's ok. I've had worse injuries."

I nod my head before looking at my husband's friend. Did Nathan send him here for me or is he here to support me as a friend?

"What are you doing here Killian?"

"Nathan sent a whole troop of guards to search for you. He has gone crazy looking for you nearly everywhere."

"Why would he care anyway. I'm merely a living proof of the alliance between Alasia and Nordfjord."

"You are more than that. He cares about you, more than he has of anyone else."

I felt my anger boil and those tears returning to my eyes. I clenched my fists and balled my hands by the side of my body.

"You were there when he said he felt nothing for me."

"He had a difficult upbringing. His parents were separated and his mother brought him up to not show love to anyone after she lost her husband to it. Up until he has met you, he saw love as nothing but a weakness."

"I know he had a difficult upbringing, but at least he had two loving parents. He will never change his opinion on love, at least not with me."

"How can you say that?"

"We went on a night walk yesterday and I professed the love I have for him and he said nothing in return. A part of me hoped that maybe he was just not ready to say it out loud yet, but at least now I know he doesn't feel the same of me."

His face fell and he looked at me with sadness. I wiped the tears, not wanting to drown myself in self-pity anymore.

"I can't go back to the castle and face Nathaniel. Not now that is. I'll come back soon."

"It is going to rain soon. I won't take you to the castle, but I also can't leave you here. Come to my house."

"Thank you for the offer, but I don't think your wife likes me very much."

"Why do you think that is?"

"She refused to talk to me or show her face at least."

He let out a laugh, as I looked at him with curious eyes.

"If my wife did not like you, she wouldn't have saved your life. She adores you and I believe you will adore her too. Why don't you come to meet her at least."

I begrudgingly nod my head. This day can't possibly get any worse than it already has.  We begin walking towards the village and to the back entrance of a large house.

Killian opened the door and welcomed me in as I was marvelled at the simple beauty. I heard a patter of feet and looked to see Tommy who rushed in to hug me. I returned the hug to my first friend.

"Finally, it seems like we haven't seen each other in forever."

"It has only been a few days, but I must say it seems you have forgotten about me once you reached your homeland. I forgive you, my friend."

"You were the one cooped up in the castle. With your husband perhaps."

I let out a forced laugh at his words, clearly, he never knew of the events that transpired these past few days. We begin talking about the trip on the seas to Killian who seemed distracted by something else.

"Is everything alright? You seem distracted."

"Things will be alright soon. Tommy do me a favour and bring my wife here to meet Avani."

"See Avani, my brother always orders me around. If not for him it's Nathaniel or Ali."

"Who is Ali?"

"My sister-in-law, who you will meet in a few seconds."

I expected him to go get his sister-in-law, but instead I was startled by him screaming her name.

"Ali, Killian is hitting me again."

Killina looked offended at his brother before a wooden spoon was thrown in the direction of Killian's head. I flinched in pain for him and he let out strings of curses.

"First my best friend's wife and now my own wife! Why is my head the target for your goddamn sticks!"

I couldn't hold in the laughter inside me and Killian gave me a threatening look which should have scared me, but knowing he is as harmless as a fly made me laugh even more.

"You shouldn't have hit Tommy. You are the right-hand man of the King, yet you fight with your kid brother on a daily basis."

"He was lying."

"Is that true Tommy?"

"Yes, but he was being like a lazy sack of potatoes and making me get you."

Killian launched at his brother before they started rolling around the floor. The claps of the baby snapped me out of my thoughts as I looked up to the owner of the familiar voice.

The footsteps ceased a few feet away from me and I felt myself freeze and tears fall down my eyes in happiness and relief. She mirrored my expression with a smile on her face and opened her arm as she passed her infant to Tommy.

My best friend who I considered a sister was smiling at me as she was expecting me. The only pillar I had after my mother's death and the same person who was punished and exiled from Alasia as a young girl.



Who remembers Avani's best friend introduced in one of the first chapters of this story? Well, she's back, and as Killian's wife!

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