
Happy new year!! 


Hi autho~sama I really like your story "I'll take this second chance to the fullest", it has an amazing plot and your so creative on making a story, I hope you can update this book as this my most favorite, no need to feel pressured as I'm just so excited for your new chapter..
          And oh, umm can I request something, (I know I'm being annoying but I really need to ask) can make a Naruto x one piece story where naruto is an uke, Pretty please~. Thank you for your time, bye~


@yoojoonghyuklover69 oh my god!!~ really!!?? ♦∆♦ I'm so so excited about your next chapter, and thank you for considering my request, I'm really thankful~ 
            Oh~ and I hope you have a nice day author~sama♥


@yoojoonghyuklover69 thank you for supporting my story. The next chapter is on the way but didn't know when i will be publish it since i'm busy with work.
            And for your request on Naruto x one piece,i already consider making one and have one chapter finished. But also would be unknown of when i will be publish it.


My good and wonderful author-sama
          Can you please update Red typhoon and star light heart of merging soul
          As the plot is really good and intriguing and I am dying from curiosity to know what happens next but there were no  updates from last one and it been so long so please 
          Pretty please update these stories quickly


@haruhifujika dear reader. Thank you for liking and supporting my story. I will try best to take time to write the update while I can. But right now, I'm busy with work. You know writing this didn't even get me a payment, right? 
            I'll just do this for a hobby.
            But I'm doing this because I like writing a story.
            And luckily for you, I just finished the next chapter and would be released tomorrow if there is no plan after my job hours.


Good day, Author-san. I hope this letter of mine finds you well. I just wanted to ask a question: When will you update 'The One Under The Mask' because I really have high expectations for it. It's rare for me to be able to read something that I will take a liking even with just a few chapters, so I'm really eager for the next update.