
This will be the last time I’ll be putting out an announcement about this issue. Yes, your favourite “fanfic adaptation” of my work has been struck with a DMCA and has been deleted from the platform. This is what happens when you post copyrighted works of others without their legal consent. On that note, posting on behalf of an author and giving credit to them is still a violation of copyright. Consent is ALWAYS required from the author. And as you can read under the first chapter of every single one of my stories, I do NOT give consent to ANYONE to use my works in any kind of way.
          	Until now, I’ve tried to make this process as painless as possible for both me and the perpetrator — as filling a DMCA Takedown Notice is a LEGAL act! And because I KNOW that most of the people that do this are either very young or don’t know about the severity of a copyright infringement. I have only personally reported as a last resort, but since Wattpad has removed the ability to send private messages, I think it’s great timing to start giving less f*cks and report without notice —  because if you’re copying my story and come across my copyright warning and still decide to do it, then this is no longer about “I didn’t know”.
          	And I’ll add one more thing, something more personal… The thing that mainly bothers me when someone takes my story isn’t even about the fact they took it. It’s how they’ll bend themselves backwards to try to remove any and every mention of my character’s CORE identity and reason I started writing in the first place — their JEWISHNESS. I started writing because I wanted to see Jewish main characters in lesbian stories. I wanted to show other Jewish authors that we don’t need to adapt our stories to be able to reach a broader audience. So when you not only take my story but also take away what makes me proud about it, yes, it gets me pissed.
          	That’s it.


Sorry to hear that, I hope this post will knock some sense on those copywriters 


@Chaoticbutterflys  I agree, report them and tell the original author. Probability is they are blocked and can’t see the person who stole their hard work. But reporting the stolen work and informing the original author helps the authors take action. 


@ShayZayit im not even a writer and I will read an story by the original author and then finish it ..then I go to another so call author who basically takes other people's stories and steal thier piss me off when ppl do that..honestly please don't hesitate or give a crap because I don't care how old you are they know damn well they aren't supposed to steal...rather it be a piece of candy or a story from another they know damn well what they are doing 


This will be the last time I’ll be putting out an announcement about this issue. Yes, your favourite “fanfic adaptation” of my work has been struck with a DMCA and has been deleted from the platform. This is what happens when you post copyrighted works of others without their legal consent. On that note, posting on behalf of an author and giving credit to them is still a violation of copyright. Consent is ALWAYS required from the author. And as you can read under the first chapter of every single one of my stories, I do NOT give consent to ANYONE to use my works in any kind of way.
          Until now, I’ve tried to make this process as painless as possible for both me and the perpetrator — as filling a DMCA Takedown Notice is a LEGAL act! And because I KNOW that most of the people that do this are either very young or don’t know about the severity of a copyright infringement. I have only personally reported as a last resort, but since Wattpad has removed the ability to send private messages, I think it’s great timing to start giving less f*cks and report without notice —  because if you’re copying my story and come across my copyright warning and still decide to do it, then this is no longer about “I didn’t know”.
          And I’ll add one more thing, something more personal… The thing that mainly bothers me when someone takes my story isn’t even about the fact they took it. It’s how they’ll bend themselves backwards to try to remove any and every mention of my character’s CORE identity and reason I started writing in the first place — their JEWISHNESS. I started writing because I wanted to see Jewish main characters in lesbian stories. I wanted to show other Jewish authors that we don’t need to adapt our stories to be able to reach a broader audience. So when you not only take my story but also take away what makes me proud about it, yes, it gets me pissed.
          That’s it.


Sorry to hear that, I hope this post will knock some sense on those copywriters 


@Chaoticbutterflys  I agree, report them and tell the original author. Probability is they are blocked and can’t see the person who stole their hard work. But reporting the stolen work and informing the original author helps the authors take action. 


@ShayZayit im not even a writer and I will read an story by the original author and then finish it ..then I go to another so call author who basically takes other people's stories and steal thier piss me off when ppl do that..honestly please don't hesitate or give a crap because I don't care how old you are they know damn well they aren't supposed to steal...rather it be a piece of candy or a story from another they know damn well what they are doing 


Just finished the WSSME and TSOSN series and must I say absolutely amazing!! Totally support your funds on these two stories and I hope one day I can see these stories in the big screen as a Netflix series or even Hulu! You are an incredible writer. Cant wait to read more of your work!