
It's 2am and I can't stay awake any longer. The chapter is halfway done. I'll finish in the morning xx


@Skysunzoe I wasn't struggling with attention, just fatigue. I was out last night and so I didn't start writing until 11:30. I wrote for 2 and a half hours and had to go to sleep. I appreciate the thought. I've just woken up, so I'm back to writing :)


@littleLo  I was thinking  that now that you/we know about your attention deficit. You could set a more realistic every two weeks schedule for uploads, so you don't feel pressured. Just suggesting lots of love.


A journey of Arrange Marriage in which the couple unfold the layers of marriage and make it a choice to be each other's pillars in thick and thin.
          To all the people who take marriage as a journey of life ❤️‍️
          Rudransh Rajveer Rathore 
          A handsome cold ruthless 27 yr old man with a dominant aura in the business industry. Left in command in the Mafia World . Angle for the needy ones and devil for the demons. CEO of RM Jewellers.Co . Man of few words with bold statement.Loves his family the most and is a mirror  image of his brother and the hukum'sa of udaipur. Shows his love and playful side to the loved ones and friends.
          Mayuri Mehul Sarda
          A beautiful chirping 25 yr old girl with a pleasant aura around the family but silent and in front of new people. Interior designer by profession but loves to dance and have a great and in art and craft. She is a huge devotee of Mahakal and treats him like a friend. Chatterbox for the whole family and love children. Loves her family care for them but she also wants a partner to love him like her Shivji does for mata Parvati or Krishna ji do for Radha rani .
          Join the journey of two different people and unfold the mystery of their journey in marriage.
          Arrange marriage 
          Joint families 
          Dominant MMC
          Chatterbox MFC
          Strangers to Lovers
          Mature content 



It's 2am and I can't stay awake any longer. The chapter is halfway done. I'll finish in the morning xx


@Skysunzoe I wasn't struggling with attention, just fatigue. I was out last night and so I didn't start writing until 11:30. I wrote for 2 and a half hours and had to go to sleep. I appreciate the thought. I've just woken up, so I'm back to writing :)


@littleLo  I was thinking  that now that you/we know about your attention deficit. You could set a more realistic every two weeks schedule for uploads, so you don't feel pressured. Just suggesting lots of love.


Honestly, I don't think I would be able to find a historical fiction writer as skilled and wonderful as you. I love, adore, cherish your books. All of them. I don't think I have reread books as much as I have reread yours, you're a awesome writer. My current favorite is a battle between The Stowaway,  The Runaway Princess and Becoming Jane. Who am I kidding? I love them all!


Hi Laura! I wanted to ask whether Rescuing Emilia is still on Wattpad? I saw it on your profile and couldn't find it on the list? I started reading the series from Freeing Ebony so I wanted to go back and read the rest!


@littleLo Oh, that's alright. Are you planning on putting it back again? If so, I'd love to read it xxx



@littleLo omg this chapter was intense! The drama! The tears! 


@littleLo Woo-hoo! Thanks for the new chapter! 
            I hope you are in good health ♡


Will there be any books in the Ashwood series after Jackie's book?


@AshlynA2006 If the inspiration comes, who knows? :)


@AshlynA2006  this is what i want to know as well. I know she will do amazing with what all the drama Jackie's life could unfold 