

Wrote 700+ new words at my kid's baseball game so I'll spill a secret. The first chapter of BROTHERHOOD OF THE WOLF drops tomorrow (Tuesday)!
          Oh, and they won the game so they're playing for the championship later this week :)


@rskovach Hi! That's great news! A winning game while writing while waiting!


I have a bunch of coins that are expiring soon, so if you have a paid story on Wattpad that I can buy let me know so I can support you. Please only recommend "buy this whole story" options as I don't have the patience to spend it 5 coins at a time!


@Glory_feeling2 Thanks for the recommendation! I'm just starting to post MY own (first) werewolf story, so I'd love to support a fellow author in this genre. I can't wait to read it after I'm done with mine.


@rskovach I too am going to spend the rest of my coins too. I found a book in Wattpad Original that consists of only 144 coins to purchase. I  have 143 so I just have to press that free coin button on my Android and I can get rid of all the coins. The book is Creatures of the Night by Grace Collins
            The first 2 chapters are free and as said to unlock the whole story you need 144 coins. How many do you have? Oh and forgot to mention this story is under the werewolf genre. Don't know if you like to read that.


Quick poll! What genre is hot right now? What are you reading or what is it that you can't get enough of? So basically, what's the literary trend of the summer?
          I'll go first: I'm obsessed with locked room, modern murder mysteries at the moment. Diana Urban's LYING IN THE DEEP was an awesome read and MURDER AND OTHER DETAILS on Hulu is *chef's kiss*.
          What about you??


@rskovach I really enjoy them! I watched one episode of the Netflix series but the books are better - lots of character and detail which you don't get in a film. More detective work and not many car chases, lol


@hhsdhle663w22 I had to look that up and now I'm blushing :)))
            I heard that this type of story does well on Kindle Unlimited, but I didn't realize there were so many of them!!


          Please vote and support my dear charms to my onGoing twins apart: the mafia mission. _source=android&utm_medium=link&utm_content =share_writing&wp_page=create&wp_uname= Thunder Charm
          Twins Apart: The Mafia Mission tells the thrilling tale of Aera, the daughter of the highly esteemed mafia boss and assassin queen of the underworld. From a young age, Aera was thrown into a world of danger and secrecy, as enemies sought to uncover the mafia's biggest secrets through her. Unbeknownst to her, she had a twin brother
          Twins Apart: The Mafia Mission is a gripping tale of family, loyalty, and sacrifice, as Aera must fight against all odds to protect herself and and find her twin brother and the legacy of their powerful mafia family. Will they succeed in overcoming the forces that seek to tear them apart, or will they fall victim to their enemies' ruthless schemes? Join Aera on her thrilling journey as they discovers the true meaning of family and the strength that lies within their bond as twins.
          This story is a full mafia story where the enemy wants aera because they think that she knows all the mafia secrets when she didn't even knew that her dad was in mafia and she was thrilled by it...
          Does aera join mafia?
          Did the enemies kill her?
          Did she knew everything?
          Why was her dad hiding this?
          Want to know more then go read the star in my account...