
any russians or people that speak russian that are willing to help me translate something for a new story? please let me know here, and i will message you privately! 
          	thank you <3


@zelaughingqueen I need your background huhu for school activity lng po huhu 


@RheaRossCeli hi, what do you want to ask me?


          	  Hi maryy!!! 
          	  Can i ask you? Hehe


Hi i just finised "the boy who didnt love" and it made me SO much more motivated to write tysm!! I LOVE your writing style, while its a lot different to mine its so simple and beautiful yet funny and entertaining i could go on but anyways I'm interested in writing a psychopath book soon so it was super helpful. Did you use any other resources to help write this book or was it just from your imagination?


@d1ttoo hi, thank you so much for reading! the fact that i motivated you is the biggest compliment ever because i know how hard it can be! i only looked up some details about sociopathic tendencies from academic articles; otherwise, i relied on my own education since i majored in psychology. good luck on your story ❤️


hi!!! I read "the boy who didn't love" and loved it so much! I made book covers for it, and I was wondering where I could possibly send you it? You don't have to use it by any means, they were just really fun to make!!


@taketheavocado hey! thank you for reading, and thank you so much for taking the time and effort to make covers for me! i would love to see them; you can email me at mlima2269@gmail.com ❤️




so there’s no hope for it to come back  come on bro, just make me happy and repost it it was such a FIRE story.


@ahya4n i already responded to your past message!! i was editing it, and rewriting it, and ended up moving on indefinitely.


any russians or people that speak russian that are willing to help me translate something for a new story? please let me know here, and i will message you privately! 
          thank you <3


@zelaughingqueen I need your background huhu for school activity lng po huhu 


@RheaRossCeli hi, what do you want to ask me?


            Hi maryy!!! 
            Can i ask you? Hehe


Hi Mary!
          Luca here. New on Wattpad. I just finished reading The boy who didn't love. It's pretty good I must say. I especially love the Brady. I think he's harmlessly humourous. Your choice of using third-person (omni-present) narration was very efficient in letting us into Marina & Brady's relationship (Their thoughts and well, attitude). Their relationship is very realistic of an employee-employer relationship in real life. So, Bravo on that part.
          Now, for some constructive criticism. ( I won't be harsh.)
          I like Alice, who seems to be the main character and not Sawyer as the title implies. I kinda feel like there were some missed opportunities you could've explored in the story. Like, 
          1) With your choice of narration, you could've let us know a little bit more about Sawyer as an individual and not from Ali's POV. 
          2) You could've explored Ali and her grandma's relationship, leading us to care for her so that when you take her away it not only hurts Ali but hurts us too as the audience. 
          3) The time jumps were really huge. I mean i get that the pace of the story is fast but the jump we exponential! So, sudden. Made it feel rushed, like you got tired of writing your own story down the way and couldn't wait to reach the end. 
          So, yeah that's my feedback. I'm a writer myself too but I'm yet to share any of my work as i'm still new. Hopefully, when I do, you will offer me the same courtesy. I will be checking out your other works as I do like your style of writing. It's uhm, well, different. Keep writing!


@Lucalee27 no worries, i wasn’t offended in any way!


That makes sense. I understand that writers intentionally go about narrating their stories in a certain way for a reason. Also, sometimes we start something short but end up way too long and sometimes vice-versa. So, I completely understand. 
            I hope I didn't make you feel attacked. I always try to be polite.


@Lucalee27 hi, Luca! thanks for the feedback! as for the time jumps specifically, i totally get your point, but the story was meant to be short from the start -- meaning i had planned it on a specific timeline, and deviating from that would've just produced filler chapters. much of what you mentioned was indeed intentional, but i appreciate your viewpoint nonetheless. keep on writing as well!


Hey Mary! ,, I love your stories and u are the only author whose stories I ever read outside the fanfictions . The boy who didn't love is such a great story that I find myself to read it again and again plus your other stories too,hope you are doing well and enjoying everything with writing,,take care,,,, see ya,, bye-bye :)))


@MegaFolder hi! that is a great honor, thank you so much! take care of yourself as well ❤️