Chapter 16 - INTERN ARC PART 2

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"The feeling you felt just now, I want you to remember that feeling and grow even stronger! Become a hero who's capable of protecting others!"

"People lost their lives day by day, Boboiboy. That's why 'we' as heroes need to stop those villains! Not everyone deserves such a fate!" Ramenman continued.

"I will, sir! I promise!" Boboiboy quickly stood up. His fatigue suddenly disappeared, replaced with a burning passion. "I will become even stronger to protect others!"

"That's the spirit!" The hero patted Boboiboy's right shoulder.

"You probably should take a good rest now, because we will start training first thing in the morning!" Ramenman advised. Training Boboiboy was another task Amato had given him, and he was more than pleased to train the elemental user.

"Yes, sir!" Boboiboy gave him a TAPOP's salute and went straight to his room.

"I will need to get stronger, so that I can soar even higher!"




Ramenman's Personal Training Facility

Remember when Boboiboy once pointed out that Ramenmans's office was luxurious and big? In fact, extremely big for one man's office? Well, your mind will be blown away when this man has his own private training facility. Ahem... and a huge one filled with modern (alien) technology to be specific.

"Really, where does TAPOPS and TEMPUR-A get their money from?" Boboiboy sweat-drop as he looked around facility. The space mightiest heroes really did give him the impression of a space duke or something.

The elemental user quickly gave Ramenman a TAPOPS's salute as soon as the man came in the training facility. "Good morning, sir!"

"Good morning to you too, Boboiboy. Isn't a great day to train today?" The pro-hero smiled while drinking his morning coffee. "The sun is shining! Birds are chirping! And—"

"But, we're currently underground, sir?" Boboiboy slowly questioned, causing Ramenman to pause for a while.

"Ah... You're right..." The hero replied after a brief of silence. "That's what you got when you watch too much morning advertisement on TV." Ramenman left a nervous laugh, slightly embarrassed. He quickly recovered as his serious persona came rising.

Yes! Boboiboy's training starts now!

"What do you understand about your power, Boboiboy?" asked Ramenman. Of course, morning training had to start with a fundamental question from the pro-hero.

"Well, I can manipulate seven elements! My elements also have and evolve form. Oh! I can do elemental splits and fusion!" Boboiboy eagerly answered. However, it wasn't enough to satisfy Ramenman.

"That's just the basic. Now, I want you to think deeper about your elemental power." The hero advised.

Boboiboy thought about it for a while. Wait, a minute... He actually never thought about this matter? In fact, he just went with the flow without giving a proper understanding about his powers. Well, you can't put 100% blame on to his shoulder since he was really a forgetful person during his childhood. Luckily, he overcame that problem when his watch was reprogrammed by Ochobot. Now, he can do the elemental splits without fearing to have amnesia in the next morning.