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When the doorbell rang, June placed his laptop on the coffee table and opened the door.

A tired looking Noah smiled at June. His usually slicked back dark hair looked messy. His grey eyes looked dull and there were dark circles beneath his eyes.

"Hey," June spoke slowly as he opened the door wider, "What happened? You look terrible."

"I am so tired," Noah muttered as he closed the door behind him. He eyed June's small shoulder and immediately rested his forehead on it.

June stiffen slightly at the contact but then relaxed slowly. He ran his small hand over Noah's back and muttered, "What is it?"

"I hate my work," Noah muttered, he paused, fuck it, he thought, "And I missed you." He added.

He felt June slap his bicep lightly. "Hooligan," June muttered but Noah could almost hear the smile in June's voice.

"You are the hooligan," Noah wisphered huskily, his breath tickling June's neck, "Physically abusing me."

June ignored Noah's accusation, "Why are you here?"

"Can't I come here because I missed you?" Noah said in an annoying voice, sounding like a spoiled child.

June sighed.

"Actually," Noah said his big arms wrapping around June's small waist. June gasped lightly, "I have insomnia and last time I slept like a baby when you were by my side."

"Is this your way of confessing you undying love to me?" June mused.

Noah laughed, his chest rumbling deeply, "Just sleep with me."

"You are not even denying it," June laughed.

Noah tighten his hold around June's waist. He buried himself in June's warmth. Noah wanted to stand there hugging June forever.


June bit his lips, "I need to edit some articles."

Noah finally removed his forehead from June's shoulder to meet his eyes. When he opened his mouth to say something, June bought his hands and cupped Noah's hallow cheeks.

"But you are more important than anything. So, let's get you some sleep right?"

Noah blinked, totally taken off guard when June cupped his face, eyes wide he kept looking at him. When June realised what he did, his cheeks immediately turned red as he quickly removed his hand and avoided Noah's eyes.

"I-I-I", June shuttered but a squeal escaped his lips when Noah picked him up and swinged him over his shoulder, carrying him like a sack of potatoes.

"Give me some sleep."

[Male lead's favorability point towards June Weng +10 current favorability points: 50]


June woke up to the soft sheets and the bright sun dipping through the curtain gaps. The air was cold but the sun still shone brightly. He felt Noah's big arms around him.

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