Happy Valentines Birthday

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  • Dédié à Anna Marie Moncera

Hearts are raining

Bloody reds are falling

With a soft voice singing

Along with the white doves flying.

Eyes are teary.

Tears to fall are ready,

Sad and steady,

With no one, no buddy.

Angels surround you

With arrows and bows too

Blink awhile, yeah they’re true

Grabbed yourself, “oh no!”

That dream wakes you up,

As someone’s having a tap

“Am I trap?”

You asked. “What a crap!”

Laughter filled the room.

For you it’s like a boom.

Tear fell down your eye,

As you can’t speak the words. “I… I…”

One by one they came towards you

Hugged and kissed you too

For every touch,

You feel the love so much.

You’re expecting for someone,

Someone whom you missed than everyone.

They gave you chocolate

You believe this is your faith

You agree, “Still it’s never too late.”

Picked a piece and ate.

Hands were holding together

Circled you for better.

They want to make a promise

To stay with you every time you reminisce.

They kept you warm

Held you on your arm.

They covered your eyes,

As they said, “we have a surprise.”

As they one by one walked away.

Someone came to your way

Handling a big beautiful cake and said,

“Happy Valentines Birthday babe.” 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Feb 05, 2011 ⏰

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