iv // discussion

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The oncoming silence, with both human and monster staring at each other with blank masks, wasn't complete. The forest itself was still alive, and creatures still took to their homes with as much chatter as they would have normally, though it seemed like Archer's campsite was isolated from their chatter, leaving only an echo to fill the tense spaces between their gaze. With the light pouring through the canopy and onto ground, they almost seemed protected from whatever lied beyond.

Archer only came-to when his arm began feeling tired, and as he blushingly snapped it back, the trace the two had been in snapped. Xena, perhaps because it didn't have many human-emulating features, only mildly raised its head and placed its hands behind its back to emulated a guarded appearance, and Archer, summoning his inner-theatre kid, tried to look as simultaneously lax and confident as he could.

"So, welcome to my camp," he said, taking a step back to sweep his hands about but still keeping an eye on Xena. "Make yourself at home. Just don't take my food or anything."

Xena seemed mildly embarrassed. "Again, I apologize for my actions. I was just...hungry."

"I mean yeah, it wasn't cool, but I get it. So long as you don't do it again," Archer assured.

Xena nodded, but didn't do anything else.

Archer coughed a little.

Man, this was tense.

"Well," Archer started, taking a few steps towards his perch, "Take a seat. Or stand. Just...make yourself comfortable."

Archer watched, a little offset, as Xena began to move. It was graceful, with its wide stride being delicately poised in each step and making little-to-no sound. However, it only took a couple lengthy strides towards the firepit before stopping and settling onto the grass in one swift movement, white eyes then looking up at him expectantly.

Archer took a seat across the firepit.

"It's nice to finally put a name to a face," Archer started, "Xena? It's cool."

"It's human," it said curtly, ignoring his compliment.

"Oh, well, still. Good choice, on whoever chose it."

Xena didn't respond.

Tough crowd.

"So what are you, exactly?"

Xena, if Archer could've guessed, seemed to roll its eyes. "According to your species, I'm a female member of the ink species. And you're a male member of the human species, yes?"

Oh, so its a she. "So you're a- wait, you said according to my species?" Archer chuckled. "No offense, but I've never heard of you guys existing."

"You didn't answer my question."

"Yes, I'm human, now answer mine," Archer snapped, though, remembering his audience, ended with a soft, "please."

"I don't know how or if the story of my people has been passed down among your own."

"But we had contact? Humans and—inks, you said?—inks...they've had contact?"


Archer's brow furrowed. "So why aren't you guys, like, I dunno..." He rolled his hand. "Working with us? Or something?"

"Humans are selfish."

Archer frowned. "I'm right here."

Xena didn't respond.

Archer sighed out his frustration. "Okay. Well. That's...cool, I guess. Cool to know you probably don't eat humans," he laughed.

Xena flinched, though didn't respond. That wasn't a good sign.

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