Chapter 2

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“Team, you will be travelling to Jump City to see if you can locate Robin. Once you have, you shall contact us and we’ll meet you at your location.”
“Yes, Batman,” Kaldur agreed.

With that, the Team headed for the bioship, leaving for Jump City.


“I think a good place to start our search would be with the Titans,” Kaldur announced, “They are a team of heroes here in Jump City. They might know Robin, or at least be able to point us in the right direction.”

With the rest of the Team in agreement, they headed towards Titans’ Tower, but they were interrupted before they got there.

Below them, they saw a large villain rampaging through the city.

Deciding that they couldn’t just sit there and watch, they landed their ship nearby and launched into battle.

Unfortunately, they were inexperienced with this particular villain, whom they later learned was called Cinderblock, and were soon overpowered and knocked unconscious.

It was a few moments later that the Titans arrived and took control of the situation, managing to recapture the villain a while later.

Once that problem had been solved, the Titans turned their attention to the Team.

Nightwing, of course, recognised them instantly, and raced over to check on Batgirl, while the rest of the Titans did the same for the other members.

Babs, to Dick’s relief, seemed mostly uninjured. Carefully, he picked her up bridal-style and held her to his chest as he carried her back to where he knew the bioship had landed. The rest of the Titans followed behind him, transporting the Team.

The bioship had become uncamouflaged due to M’gann’s unconscious state. The Titans stared at it in awe.

They were even more surprised, though, when Nightwing walked up to it, took off one glove using his teeth and held it up to the side of the ship. A few moments late, the doors opened and the group of heroes entered into the cockpit.

Having gently placed Batgirl in her seat, Nightwing went and stood in front of the pilot’s seat. The Titans watched their leader in surprise, wondering how he knew what he was doing.

Taking a deep breath and swallowing nervously, Nightwing spoke firmly, “Manual override. Authorisation B01.”
A computerised voice responded, “Manual override confirmed: B01- Robin.”

Nightwing flinched slightly as the computer revealed the secret he had worked so hard to keep hidden.

The Titans practically gaped at him. Had they just heard what they thought they heard?

“Look,” Nightwing said quickly, noting their expressions, “I know you have a lot of questions, and I promise I shall answer them as soon as the Team is settled in our infirmary.”


Once all of the Team’ members were safely in the infirmary, the Titans flocked to the sitting room, glancing constantly at Nightwing.

“Alright,” he said, standing before them as he gestured for them to take a seat on the sofas, “You can ask your questions now.”

Like schoolchildren, they all raised their hands. Glancing at Beast Boy’s overly eager face, he picked Raven first.

“Who are those people?” she asked.
“They’re the Young Justice Team,” Nightwing explained, “They’re a covert missions team for the Justice League that was started six years ago. It’s current members are Aqualad, their leader, Kid-Flash, Superboy, Miss Martian, Artemis and Batgirl.”
Raven nodded her head in acknowledgement.

Sighing, he picked Beast Boy next, preparing himself for what was to come.

Dude!” he exclaimed, loudly, “This morning, when we were talking about you actually being Robin, was I right? Are you?”
“I was Robin, yes,” Nightwing confirmed, “Not anymore. I quit three years ago as a result of an argument between Batman and I before coming to Jump.”

The Titans were, again, gaping at him. Before anyone else had the chance to speak, however, Nightwing’s eyes narrowed as he felt 6 new presences in his mind.

“The Team is awake,” he announced, “Stay here while I explain the situation to them.”
With that, he left the room to greet his old friends.


When he got to the infirmary, he could immediately hear loud whispering coming from the other side of the door. Smirking, he pushed it open.

The team jumped into fighting stances at his entrance, but relaxed as they saw who it was. They had heard of Nightwing, the Titans’ famous leader, before. They still, however, eyed him warily.

He gave them all a warm smile, “Glad to see you’re all alright. Maybe next time, don’t fight a villain without knowing anything about him.”

The light attempt at a joke didn’t go down too badly, but it did nothing to alleviate Batgirl’s mood.

Her special communicator, the one Dick had given her, had been crushed in the battle. She didn’t know how else to contact him, and she didn’t want him to think she had abandoned him when she didn’t answer.

It was a great surprise to her then, when Nightwing tossed an identical one at her. She looked up at him in surprise and curiosity.

“I made extras in case they ever got destroyed. That way we could still keep in contact with each other. Only two work at one time, though.” He shrugged.

Barbara stared up at the man in front of her, wondering, if after all this time, it could really be him. But then he gave her his brightest, most mischievous grin and she knew, she knew it was him.

She practically launched herself at him, embracing him in one of the tightest hugs he had ever experienced in his life.
“I missed you too, Babs,” he whispered into her ear as he ran a hand through her long, red hair.

The Team, meanwhile, stared at the couple in astonishment. How did Batgirl know Nightwing? They seemed really close. Could he be the mysterious boyfriend she often hinted at. Based on the way they acted, it was most likely.

Turning to the Team with one arm still firmly around Batgirl’s waist, he grinned.

“Stay whelmed, guys. It’s good to see you too.”

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