Chapter eight

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Michael grabbed the handrails as he slowly but gently takes each step, he was sweating profusely and was breathing heavily, with each step he took, his hands tightened on the handrails and his brows creased tightly. The gentle voice of Dr. Cage urging him on while he stood behind him, ready to grab him should he lose his balance.

"That's it. That's it. One more step. You are getting it. You are getting it. Go on, keep trying. You can do it. Good work, now one more. That's it. You are doing great. Marvelous" Dr. Cage kept praising and urging him with each step he took.

Michael let series of hard breathing escaped through his mouth, beads of sweat forming on his forehead and soaking his body and the hospital cloth he was putting on. He took one step and stopped, panting, his eyes closed as he tried to endure the pains that surged from his waist down to his feet, he licked his lips and slowly opened his eyes while shaking his head softly "I can't go on" he breathed out.

"No, no, no it's okay, you have tried for today. That's twenty steps, amazing" Dr. Cage praised and helped him sit on his wheelchair, he handed him a towel which Michael took and dabbed at his face and neck, he was still breathing heavily when Dr. Cage wheeled him to his locker to change into his clothes before wheeling him out to meet Gary.

Gary rushed to Michael when he saw him, he took over wheeling him from Dr. Cage after muttering "thank you" to him. They got outside to their car and while opening the door he asked Michael "where to boss, home or office?"

"Home" Michael answered as Gary helped him into the car. Gary shut the door and quickly got in the driver's seat before driving off.

Michael watched Gary through the barricade in the car, he could sense there was something wrong with his expression but he can't name it. He wanted to leave him be but his curiosity got the best of him "what's wrong with you?"

"Huh?" Gary looked like he had been called out of his thoughts, he glanced at Michael at the backseat briefly before putting his eyes back on the road "nothing boss, I'm good."

Michael remained silent and spoke after a while "we have been together for nearly eleven years, don't think I won't know when something is troubling you or is it because I act like I don't care a times?"

"That's it boss, when did you start caring?" Gary looked at him briefly again with a faint smile just in time to see Michael roll his eyes.

"Well forgive me for caring, I won't bother myself anymore."

Gary chuckled softly and heaved a sigh "I'm happy you are caring, at least it shows that you are still human" he took the time to joke with him.

"What the?" Michael leaned forward and passed his hand through the barricade to give him a knock but Gary saw his action through the rear mirror and dodged the sneak attack, laughing. Michael withdrew his hand and straightened his suit before asking "how is she today?"

Hearing the question, Gary's smile vanished and he looked troubled again like he really wants to say something but don't know how. Michael saw through his difficulties and asked again "what's wrong? Did something happen?" 

Gary contemplated over telling him and decided to just let it off his system "boss, mistress" he sighed "mistress visited her lawyer today" he glanced at Michael through the rear mirror to see his action.

Michael's heart missed a beat when he heard 'lawyer' but he didn't let his fear show as he asked "what for?" Even though his heart was already pointing at something but he didn't want to believe it.

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