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Mia's POV


To think only a few weeks ago I was unsure of Knox. Not scared, but not trusting of how he silently crept up behind me when I was getting chased by Cin, how straight-to-the-point he was, how we didn't talk too much. He smiled, sure, but I didn't feel like I knew him, not well enough to have a friendly conversation about anything other than training and current events, certainly not enough to talk to him for an hour or hug him when I finally realized how much he had helped me not be afraid when I first came here.

But here I am, closer than I thought I would be with him. Literally.

I'm currently half hiding behind Knox in an attempt to catch my breath.

Knox, his mom-the Queen- and I are standing on the inside of Bhailewood, looking through the crack of the huge doors in the wall as they slowly open to the outside world. I'm hiding behind Knox, out of breath, because there is a round table on the snow outside the wall, with two chairs on one side and three on the other. The two chairs are occupied with the Cin we will be meeting with.

One of those Cin is Elmer. The one who tried to kidnap me.

I recognize him the minute the doors open enough for me to see. Same black hair, same eyes so dark brown they look black, with the unmistakable menacing gleam in them. The elf sitting next to him is a girl with black hair and a mean look, someone I don't recognize.

"It's Elmer," I breath and I step behind Knox so he won't see me frightened. I just need a second to collect myself and banish the memories that are now popping up of the attack. My scalp prickles as the sensation of my hair being yanked swarms my memories, my nose aches from the ghost of that punch-Stop it.

Knox tenses in front of me at his name. He must be remembering too. Rose seems to remember just as Knox does, and gives me an apologetic glance.

"I'm sorry, Mia. I didn't know who would be representing their leader. You don't have to come if you don't want to."

I swallow the lump in my throat, craning my neck to look up at the elves positioned in even intervals on top of the wall, bows in hand. They will keep us safe.

"You sure you want to do this?" Knox asks, turning to face me and gripping my forearms. He's scanning my features for something, probably fear. I am scared, there's no doubt. But I don't want to seem like a coward, and I definitely don't want Elmer to think I'm too scared to face him after what he did.

Just remember, Mia. You escaped, you're strong.

I nod my head, looking Knox straight in the eyes so he knows I'm serious.

"Yes. I'm ready."

After dropping off all of our weapons inside the wall, the three of us walk gracefully across the snow, passing under the shadow of the wall before emerging on the other side, outside the territory of Bhailewood. I take deep breaths in through my nose to keep my hands from shaking, focusing on the fact that I have Rose and Knox by my side.

"Greetings, your Majesty," Elmer says once we've all sat down, obviously sarcastic with the use of 'your majesty.' Rose just nods, keeping her posture regal and her face impassive.

"What did your leader want to call this meeting for?" Rose asks, folding her hands in her lap. Elmer smirks, a twist of his face that makes him look even more cruel.

"We are proposing an exchange," he says calmly. Knox fidgets next to me.

"Of what?" Knox asks, his voice hard. I'm not used to his voice being so mean.

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