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A/n: Update! This shit might be slow burn...


"I'm not a people person."

He replied simply. With a snap of his fingers, the flame went out from the lighter. And the butter knife you had was now on the table.

He grabbed your hand, taking it away from him as he slipped passed you

"Don't be dumb." He muttered. You following him out the room. He can hear you quite well

So he walked on the walls

"Look my lady, if you keep questioning I might have to kill you. And I don't do well with that part." You looking up as he walked around the ceiling. He walked back down to talk to you face to face

His figure was tall, you can notice it...

He looked at you with a blank stare, he scoffed as you tried to put a brave face on

"Before you ask, no I won't eat you. No I am not related to Dracula. And yes, I have fangs." Questions out so quick, you swallowed harshly as he walked off like nothing happened

He went to the kitchen, opening the fridge to see nothing...

He stomach grumbled.

You quickly peeping up, you asked

"Are you hungry?" Sakusa's ears perking up, he nods silently. You thinking he would need your blood, you quickly looked at him straight in the eyes.

Sakusa gave you a stare back that looked like 🤭

"Do you-"

"I won't drink your blood my lady."



It's almost sundown, and Sakusa still didn't make an effort to feed himself. You worried a bit, you gave him an apple.

A red apple you got from the store since it was on sale

Sakusa looking at it with sparkling eyes, kind of like a child. He bit into it. His teeth sinking into the fruit, you can slowly see the color and juices disappearing.

The apple turning dry and grey, he threw away what was left it.

He shrugged. He was gone in a flash. But he came back standing infront of you.

He patted your head softly

"Yum." That's all he simply said before heading back to his room. His presence didn't feel real..



You stayed in your room watching videos on your computer

"Morning loser." You heard Sakusa walk out the closet. You can feel him standing by the edge of your bed.

You were shaking as well... you were still shocked about the vampire thing and that you didn't hear or see the door swing open.

"Sakusa don't do that. Also- it's like 8 what do you mean..... oh."

"Yeah oh. Did you forget? I'm apparently considered something the church would-"

"Yeah I get it. Sorry."

This went on for a week till you both actually got comfortable with your presence. You wouldn't bother from bourse 6am-5pm unless it's important.

And he wouldn't scare you, and act like a normal person

You both decided to have dinner together, you thinking he was born in some high class royal air family. You cooked....

Take out

Yeah your dorms gas wasn't working so.. you gotta deal with it

"What is this?"

"It's uhm... Udon. Noodles.. please tell me you know-"

"I know what are noodles are. I just wanted to see if you still treat me like a monster."

You both ate in silence after that comment. Sakusa didn't have any feel of food in his stomach. Like yes it's food, and he ate it all.. if he still years for something.... different.

"You don't seem like a monster."

That comment took the boy off guard

He was always treated as such when he was anywhere but home. So Sakusa just stopped caring about his secret and moving back when it's too much.


"Sakusa-Kun... please tell me what it's like to be... a monster."

The boy stopped eating. There was no point since he can't get the nutrients from it.

He put his chopsticks down as you waited for him. You looking across the dinner table, you saw him puff up his cheeks, then letting them rest again and again till he thought of something

"Do you know.. what a hybrid vampire is?"

You shaking your head know as he pushed away his bowl.

"They.. are like mix of the Psi and sanguinary. Blood and living energy is the source of what they want." Sounds not as scary, but the effects can lead to death...

He pointed at the red dining cloth you bought. You giving it to him..

"Us... Hybrids I guess have adapted to the new world. See." you saw the red drain from its cloth. The color turning white. He sighed in relief as the pain in his stomach stopped..

"I drink red. The color. It's not as good, but the substitution is well enough before I decide to kill my hunger with sleep." He stretched right after. A small yawn was only processed as you tried to take note of your roommates actions

Mental note: Buy red items

"So like... sparkle in the sun-"

"Girl no-"

Worth a shot


Sakusa pov

Who am I?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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