Chapter 11

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I watched as Jace made his way back towards the elevator. Sighing, I shut the door and turned to Oliver. His face was blank, completely void of any emotion.

"Ollie?" I cooed. Oliver hummed in response. "Are you mad?" I ask. Slipping my arms around his waist I place my chin on his chest and smile up at him. Oliver's lips twitched.

"No, sweet thing. I'm not. To my surprise my wolf doesn't feel threatened by him. But if he were to cause you harm or lay his hands on you in any way, it may end up being a different situation." Oliver answered honestly. Oliver's eyes held truth, he didn't seem all that bothered by Jace. Oliver's hand trailed down my sides stopping only briefly to squeeze my waist but going down and cupping my ass.

"That's bold of you," I teased. Oliver's face burned red. He nuzzled his nose into the crook of my neck inhaling deeply and rumblings with a satisfied groan.

The next few hours Oliver read to me. His smooth deep voice rolling over me and soothing my senses. Oliver's head lay in my lap as he held the book to the side and continued reading. I let my fingers run through his copper locks, simply enjoying the smoothness of his hair.

A knock on my door startles me. I answer with a come in as Oliver's voice dies down before he stops reading completely. Oliver leans up, his hair flowing around him before readjusting to lap his head on my lap and draping his arms across my knees. I had released his hair from the braid he put it in earlier, and at this moment I'm glad I did. Everything about this wolf excites me to no end.

Madelyn entered with Tiffany on her heels. They each had blank expressions as their eyes trailed over Oliver and I, Tiffany's eyes flared before dying down quickly.

"Yes?" I inquired looking between the sisters. They shared a look before looking at. Oliver. I rolled my eyes as I rubbed his back. "Can I have some time to speak with them? I'll come find you later." Oliver's tired eyes ran over my face before nodding and getting out of bed. He placed a kiss on my forehead before walking out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

"What can I help you with?" I asked again. Madelyn's face turned up into a shit-eating grin.

"You two have gotten comfy." She gushed as she skipped over and sat on the edge of my bed. My face warmed, things were starting to go well with Oliver, I couldn't complain.

"I also found out that you're having a date with Jace tomorrow." Madelyn winked.

"Was there something you needed that wasn't asking questions about my love life?" I teased.

"Oh, that's right. We wanted to see what you would say to having the neighboring nest come to visit." Madelyn added. Right...the neighboring nest. I failed to remember them every time. I was the ruler of my nest, while others controlled the various nests around the world.

"What's the occasion?" I asked?

"They want to offer the prince as your mate. We're assuming to create an alliance of sorts." Tiffany answered. I groaned and ran a tired hand over my face.

"I don't want them as a mate, I want to focus on keeping my kingdom out of trouble." I grit. It was always like this, and knowing how the elders feel they would be more than delighted to see me make that move.

"We'll have a small gathering. It will be in five days, this way we'll have time to prepare everything." I agreed.

"We both know you're not taking the prince as a mate." Madelyn snickered.

"Oh really? What gave it away?" I sassed.

"I don't know, maybe the way you were just curled up with that wolf-" I threw a pillow at her before she could finish.

"What do you plan on doing about Jace?" Tiffany asked. I knew Tiffany held feelings for him. No matter how much encouragement we provided she always shot down the idea. In more ways than one she was always more interested in my love than her own.

"I'll spend time with him, it'll keep the elders off of my back for a while and allow me time to figure out what I am going to do in terms of Oliver." I answered truthfully. The corner of Tiffany's lip twitched, I had almost missed the flare in her eyes before her guard was back up in an instant.

"For now let's get to planning this banquet." 

The next few hours I sat in my office and made arrangements for the neighboring nest. To be honest, I hated having others in the kingdom walls. The nights they stay prevent me from sleeping. Ever since my parents death I've avoided having anyone other than my nest within these walls.

My mind drifted to Oliver. He's my first...for a lot at the moment. How can he be so calm with the knowledge of me and Jace spending time alone together? While I'm not completely against getting to know Jace better, will I have to choose between them later? With Oliver, I feel complete. But there's something in my heart that's telling me I'm missing something. A knock on my door pulled me out of my jumbled thoughts.

"Come in." I called. Leaning back in my chair I run a tired hand over my face. Anthony enters with Jace on his heels.

"Jace? Two times in one day." I teased. Jace's icy eyes flared and a smirk tugged at his lips.

"What can I say," He sighed. "I just can't keep myself away from you, your highness." I chuckled and glanced at Anthony. "You're dismissed." I ordered. He nodded and swiftly left the room, shutting the door behind him. I motioned towards the chair in front of my desk, asking Jace to have a seat.

"What brings you to see me?"

"I wanted to see you, but I also have a more pressing matter on hand." Jace's playful expression turned serious as he leaned against my desk.

"I think there's a traitor within your private security." 

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