Chapter 21

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Jo's POV:

Luckily, I was able to be seen at a clinic not far from our hotel on our day off of filming. I took a cab about fifteen minutes there, seeing more of the city than I ever had before in the two times since I'd stayed here.

Hero was making coffee when I left, staying in my room...our room pretty much as of lately... because I didn't think it was necessary for him to come just for them to take some blood and send me on my way.

As I sit in the waiting area of the small building, I scroll through my phone, glancing up every once in a while at the woman behind the front desk as she scans the forms I had to fill out when I arrived.

When I woke up this morning, nervousness creeped in the closer it got time for me to leave . Hero watched me get ready, holding me and kissing me before I left. He was good at calming by intense nerves. The way he's seemed so put together through this whole thing has helped me all the same.

"Ms. Langford?" A woman's voice startles me as I see her standing in the doorway across the room from me. She's young, probably not even thirty. Her red hair is curled and is put up into a loose ponytail. She's wearing light pink scrubs and grey tennis shoes. She gives me a smile as I place my phone into my bag, standing and making my way towards her.

"Good morning! Follow me right this way," she says cheerfully. I follow her as she turns and begins walking down the narrow hallway towards the back of the building. Treatment rooms are on either side of us, the doors closed for privacy measures. I enter into the room she has opened the door to, and she follows me, closing the door behind her.

"So, you are here for blood work I see?" She studies the iPad she's clutching in her hands, I assume with my personal information on the screen.

"Yes. I took two pregnancy tests two days ago. One of them was positive, the other was negative." I take a seat on the exam chair in the corner of the room.

"Well I can see why you came in then," she smiles, looking at me once again. Her teeth are bright white and I can see her lips shimmer with what I assume to be gloss.

"So, what we will do is start with a urine sample followed by taking blood. Dr. Whitten is who you'll be seeing and will be doing your blood work. And my name is Jessie by the way," she smiles, setting the iPad on the counter and begins to wash her hands.

She hands me a small cup and points me in the direction of the bathroom just down the hall the way we had came from. After completing the first part of my visit, I return to my treatment room and am joined again by Jessie and now the Dr.

Dr. Whitten is a petite woman with a medium length sandy blonde bob. Her hair is straight, just long enough to brush on top of her shoulders as she walks into the room. She looks to be in her mid-40's if I had to guess but is wearing little to no makeup and dark rimmed glasses.

"Hello! It's so nice to meet you Josephine!" she says, extending her hand out towards mine. I return her hello and watch as she picks up the iPad that Jessie had been looking at earlier and she uses her long red painted nails to start moving the screen.

"Before we draw blood, I just have a few more questions for you, Josephine! Umm... let's see here, when was the last time you had unprotected intercourse?" she asks, her eyes lit by the screen just below her face.

"Yesterday," I answer quietly. My palms have started sweating and I pray that they don't see me as someone who decided to gallivant around the city, sleeping with whoever I felt like and now had come here. I was here alone, no ring on my finger. Just a young woman who needed to know if she was indeed pregnant or not. I mentally scold myself at the same time, telling myself that they have probably seen it all. Multiple situations in their time spent working here.

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