chapter 8

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Time(A day after chapter 7)

No one POV

Today is the day that our protagonist Asta and his brother Liebe tells about the grimoire and what affinity it possesses.

Asta POV

After our usually training Liebe and I went to our mother to tell about the grimoire.

Arrived I said : " Mom we need to tell you something!"

Mom's response was:"Alright, but can you tell me what you need while we eat?"

Asta and Liebe: "Fine!"


No one POV

Asta: "Mom you know about the grimoire right?"

Licita:"Yes, about that what do you need to tell me?"

Asta:" I'll be straight, Mom, I posses the 5 leaf grimoire and inside it there's a sword that with the sharp part can negate magic while with the flat magic it can counter it, so me and Liebe decided to call my affinity Anti-magic"

Licita: "Wow, that a lot to take in, so you received you're grimoire at the age of 9 instead of 15 and if trained to his maximum it will be overpowered"

Asta: "but even if I had the grimoire for a short time I formulated a theory and it's about Liebe, if me and Liebe are magicless it means that both of us can wield the sword of Anti-magic;obviously we need proper training"

Licita(Excited): " If that theory is right with the proper training you two will be the strongest duo on the Clover Kingdom!"

Liebe: "Asta can you take out your sword ? So we can confirm if you're theory is right?"

Asta(Taking the sword out of the grimoire): "Sure"

Asta gives the sword to Liebe and he can use it freely but something strange happens, the body of Liens starts to be covered in what seems Anti-magic and it's changing is form in a taller but slim body.

Asta:"Brother are you alright?"

Liebe" Never felt better! And why are you so short?"

Asta:" Because I'm pretty sure that the Anti-magic changes you're body to a more adult one and sincerely it's fascinating."

Liens:"I never knew that existed something like that!"

Licita: " So now apparently I have a more adult son with the mentally of a 8 years old child, fantastic".

Asta: " Liebe if now you're body is covered with Anti-magic it means that you can extend it like normal magic, like you can control the sword itself "

Liebe: "Let me try"

Liebe tries for some times and after a while he could create a little but evident string of Anti-magic "

Asta : " It seems like my theory was right and now you're part of my anti-magic, I still wonder how many secrets does this sword has"

Liebe: " So we need more training to analyse what the sword can do."

Asta:"Now that I notice can you read what's written in the grimoire?"

Liebe:"Let me see..."

Liebe:'is this demon language?'

Liebe:"My theory it's that this grimoire was someone's else  and that person has fallen in despair and had turned this grimoire from 4 leaf to 5 leaf"

Asta:"So the myth at the end isn't a myth, interesting, so now we need to find out on whose grimoire was that and what's his origins."

Asta:"Liebe, do you know the name of the sword?"

Liebe:"Yes, it's Demon Destroyer"

Asta(smiling) :" That's a cool name little brother"

Asta:" Wait, if now you're part of Anti-magic doesn't it means that you can enter and go outside of the grimoire?"

Liebe: "It way be dangerous but let me try"

Liebe tries and successfully enters the grimoire and then he tries to go outside and again it's good.

Licita:"Well every day it's a new discovery!"

Asta:"yeah, it's better if I get home, it's getting very late and I don't want my family to be worried about me,
See you tomorrow!"

Liebe/Licita:"Goodbye big brother!/ Goodbye son!"

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