Chapter 11

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After Mickey's announcement, everyone goes back to drinking, unfazed by the announcement. I peer over at Terry who looks pissed. I swear to FUCK I will end this man, here and now. Terry flips the tale he's sitting at. "ILL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Mickey punches him and Terry punches back. I stand behind Terry waiting for my turn. Let's like Mickey blow off some steam. Mickey hits him with a bottle and Ian starts walking over. I don't know what's scarier, Terry's look in his eyes or Ians.

Terry throws Mickey to the ground and starts beating him. Im about to step in when Ian grabs my arm and says. "Ill do it." Way to go Mick got yourself a fighter!  "Been waiting to do this for forever!" Ian says as he picks Terry off Mick and punches him. Terry's friend hits him with a chair and THATS when I step in. I grab the man and throw him onto the bar floor. We start punching and kicking and soon enough he's out cold and my hand and nose are bleeding. Ian goes after someone who tries to punch me by tackling him to the ground. 

Terry gets up and I swing at him. Mickey looks stunned behind me. "I HOPE YOU FUCKING GO TO HELL YOU PIECE OF SHIT," I yell as I cut Terry's lip on my ring. "FUCK!" he yells. he throws me to the ground and I hear my arm pop. Mickey.gets.pissed at the sound of me hitting the floor and goes after his dad.

soon enough Mickey, Terry, me, and Ian are being pulled out by cops.  Mickey isn't done though. I think he enjoys it. Fucking with his dad's mind. Telling him off, Saying he DIDNT change him.  Mickey and I get thrown across from each other on the cop car and Ian next to Mickey. "FUCKING FAGGOT GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"

"FUCK YOU! DONT WORRY ABOUT IT!" Mickey laughs a bit. "I've been staying at Ian's since you've been in the can, bitch!" He stops and looks at me as if to say Help me with this. "Guess what I've been doing Daddy?" 

"What you been doing Mick?!" I ask, egging on the conversation. "We've been fucking, and I've been taking it." He starts ramming himself into the car and I laugh. "Your sons getting fucked by my brother Terry," I yell to him. He glares at me. "Fuck you cunt!" 

"He gives it to me good and hard, And I fucking like it!" I can hear Ian's Ego grow from here hearing Mickey says he likes being with Ian. "I suck his Dick and I like it!" Mickey lets out a shit earing grin from ear to ear.  Terry yells the whole way to the other cop car. The cop lets me and Mickey go saying he wants to get home to his husband. I snort a little. 

Mick looks at me, "You look like hell." I tell him, he laughs "I think you broke your arm." I give him a no shit look. Ian starts to make his way over. "I think I broke half a fucking tooth," Mickey says as I start to walk away. 

I hear both the boys laughing and that makes me smile. I call Enzo for a ride. He picks me up and I tell him all about Mickeys coming out and what he told his father while we got shoved onto the hood of the cop cars. He just laughs and parks the car. "In not going to the hospital!" I groan. "You need to, arms broke. See!"He grabs my shoulder and pulls me into the large hospital doors. 

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