Chapter 1

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Mabel's POV:

Dipper's not fine.

Ever since we left Gravity Falls, he's been acting... strange.

He's so clingy sometimes, it makes me uncomfortable and it's super annoying. He listens and does everything someone tells him right on command without even a second thought. It's lead to physical harm, and yet...

A smile stays on his face.

Not even a fake or real one. More like a creepy, happy smile. Like he enjoys it all.

Mom and Dad have been becoming more worried and have decided to send us back to Gravity Falls after three years of this. They think coming back home hit him so hard that he can't think straight or for himself. They hope going back will fix his mental state.

It's not that I enjoy my brother getting hurt, but as long as he's being a good boy and he's ok with it, I might as well use this to my advantage for as long as it lasts.

Dipper's POV:

I will admit it: I'm not fine.

I'm not fine because I feel so alone and unwanted.

My whole life, I've felt like no one wants or needs me for anything. I'm useless.

I remember that day of Mabel's play, when Bill had taken over my body. In all honestly, it was one of my favorite days of my life. I remember when I shook Bill's hand and he took my body. I was a bit freaked out at first, but I then realized no one has ever wanted me so badly before. It made me feel so... happy.

I thought of what led to it all and it hit me: doing what others wanted of me.

It was all so clear now! My whole life, I gave up my happiness for others but this IS what I want. To belong to someone, to make THEM happy.

I was thrilled when I finally realized what I wanted.

And when I realized it,

That was when I lost my will to think for myself.

I'm Only Yours (Gravity Falls BillDip Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora