The Bad Nut

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🍭Esme's P.O.V🍭

I walked beside Willy as we were walking down the hallway, my heart fluttered as he looked at me. He gave me a small smile and it felt like I had butterflies in stomach.

"Without the boat we'll have to move double time just to keep on schedule" he said "there's far too much to see!"

"Mr. Wonka?" Asked Charlie.

"Yeah?" Said Willy.

"Why did you decide to let people in?" Charlie asked curiously.

"Why, so they could see the factory, of course!" Said Willy.

"But why now?" Asked Charlie "And why only five?"

"I've been wondering that myself?" I said.

"What's the special prize and who gets it?" Demanded Mike, pushing his way to the front.

"The best kind of prize is a sur-prize!" Willy laughed.

I giggled.

"Will Violet always be a blueberry?" Asked Veruca.

"No... maybe... I don't know?" He said, unsure "but that's what you get for chewing gum all day. It's just disgusting!"

"If you hate gum so much why do you make it?" Asked Mike.

"Once again, you really shouldn't mumble cause it's kinda starting to bum me out!" Willy told him.

"Can you remember the first candy you ever ate?" Charlie asked him.

Willy stopped dead in his tracks. "No..." he said, spacing out again.

We all stood there and stared at him as he remembered.

"I'm sorry" he said, finally "I was having a flashback."

"I see" said Mr. Salt, pulling Veruca closer to him.

"Do these flashbacks happen often?" asked Mr. Teavee.

"Increasingly..." said Willy "today." 

We continued walking until we found the door labeled the nut room. 

"Ah! This is a room I know all about!" said Mr. Salt "you see, Mr. Wonka, I, myself, am in the nut business." He handed Willy a card to which he threw over his shoulder.

"Are you using the Havermax 4000 to do your sorting?" asked Mr. Salt.

"No" Willy laughed "you're really weird!"

Willy opened the door and everyone saw what the factory used instead of the Haver-whatcha-ma-call-it Mr. Salt said.

"Squirrels!" said Veruca.

"Yeah, squirrels!" said Willy "these squirrels are specially trained to get the nuts out of shells!"

Mr. Salt looked at Willy. "Why use squirrels? Why not use oompa loompa's?" he asked.

"Because only squirrels can get the whole walnut out!" said Willy "see how they tap each one with their little knuckles to make sure it isn't bad. Oh! Look! Look! I think that one's got a bad nut!" He pointed to a squirrel who had his ear to a nut. 

And Willy was right, the squirrel threw away the nut just like Willy with Mr. Salt's business card.

Suddenly one squirrel gave a surprised squeak and they all turned to look at me. I tried to hide my face behind Willy, but it was too late they noticed me. They all hopped of their stools and came running up to the bottom of the stairs.

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