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VI. A Stark Contrast

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ANGELA HAD to admit that Gerard Stark was quite a capable man.

The Garden Ball was among the much-awaited events during the season. It was not just one of the largest and most lavish balls; it was also one of the most exclusive. Hosted by the Duke and Duchess of Remington, the attendants varied from members of the House of Lords to members of the royal family themselves.

Angela was invited because she was a Worthington, also because of her brother's amiable reputation within the polite society. But for someone untitled like Gerard Stark, she was relatively impressed.

If he gained an invitation here, there was no need for her to sponsor his sister. Angela could not fathom why he seemed keen to climb higher. Surely, he already gained society's nod of approval.

What more was there to achieve?

The question lingered in her mind as she watched Gerard Stark wait outside his carriage. He looked stunning that evening, just as when they first met. He was dressed in a black coat, an emerald waistcoat over a white shirt, finishing the look with a white cravat. His dark blond hair looked tousled yet arranged at the same time, inviting close inspection. Her gloved fingers twitched as she imagined how the locks would feel on bare skin.

She closed her hand into a fist, aware of the absurdity of her thoughts.

A woman in a bright yellow dress descended from the carriage like a bright firefly. Not only did her blonde hair and dress remind Angela of the Averly ballroom from a few nights ago, but the smile on the woman's face also painted a series of frightening images in her mind.

She looked overly bright. She could have worn the darkest of dresses and that smile would still outshine everyone else in the ball and therefore attract people.

And with people came trouble.

Angela's mind raced as the pair approached her and Jonathan.

"Is that her?" Jonathan asked.

"Apparently so, yes," she said through her teeth.

"Well," Jonathan said with a resigned sigh, "you would not have a problem introducing her to anyone. I wager she will soon be a crowd favorite."

"She will also be a handful."

"Quite beautiful, too. You should consider introducing her to Spencer."

Angela stiffened. "Why?"

"Have you forgotten that he wants a wife?"

Gerard Stark's eyes met hers as he guided his sister toward them. His gaze raked over her, studying her as much as she did him earlier. She swallowed and blinked. "Spencer thinks he does, but I do not believe Mr. Stark's sister is a good match."

"Why?" Jonathan inquired, eyeing the woman walking arm in arm with Stark.

"Because she is not gentry."

Jonathan snapped his head down to look at her. "Spencer is not gentry, Angela."

She shrugged. "I'm saying he deserves one that's not a potential scandal."

Her brother shook his head and broke into a smile when the siblings finally reached them.

"Good evening, my lord," Stark greeted, giving Jonathan a slight bow before he turned to Angela to take her hand and kissed it, his hand and lips lingering on it a second longer than they should, the warmth seeping through the fabric of her glove. "My lady."

The woman beside Stark was smiling brightly at them, her eyes glimmering expectantly. "Please allow me to introduce my sister, Miss Sabrina Stark," he added to Angela, motioning to his sister who dutifully curtsied, albeit clumsily. She introduced him to Jonathan until they were all acquainted.

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