Every Girl Needs A Thug-1

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This is my new story & sorry for any mistakes you see I'm uploading this chapter by my phone. :3 Don't read my story if you can't handle mature scenes.

Chapter 1;

"There's nothing to ever eat in this house" I yelled, and slammed the refrigerator door closed. I just came out of school and today was another rough day for me. I knew my mom was probably somewhere down the block sucking off a hustler for a bag of cocaine. That was starting to become her daily routine.

I walked into the living to see what time the cable box said because I had to pick up my little brother up soon. The box said three a clock and my brother was getting out in fifteen minutes. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door in to the hallways that always smells like piss and had a crackhead in it getting high on the stairs.

Walking down the street I saw the same people doing the same thing everyday. None of them was trying to get out of the hood, they embraced it with open arms. while I wanted nothing more than to get me and my little brother out of the hood. To my left was a group of old men playing cards on a table that they bought out of their house, old ladies gossiping, little girls trying to grow up too fast and wearing little to nothing clothing, and the same old drug dealers standing in front of the corner store. I knew they were going to say something to me when I walk pass; they always did.

I looked straight ahead, and kept my head up and walked a little fast.

"Yo, ma what's the rush? Burger King having a sell?" One yelled at me, and the others laughed at his comment.

"Damn, ma for a fat girl you got a fat ass, and big tits." Another yelled. I sighed and keep it moving. They looked like men from the outside but on the inside they were still little boys.

Finally making it in front of my brothers school, I see him joking around with his little school friends.

"Ray" I screamed his nickname.

He said bye to his friends and run over to me with a big smile on his face. It still amazes me how much he looks like our father. He was brown skinned, with thick black curly hair that was know styled in a mohawk, with grey eyes, and dimples like me. I know when he get older he's going to be breaking some girls heart. He's already getting girls attention when I saw he got a whole bunch of letters and candy's last Valentine's day. "Diamond, I'm hungry" Shit, he wasn't the only one.

I forced a smile on my face. "Didn't you eat in school?"

"Yeah, but I'm still hungry." he pouted.

I laughed and we started to make our way back home.

Five hours later and our mother still wasn't home. I had to send Ray to bed on an empty stomach. I was sitting in the living room hoping my mother was still alive, I got my answer when I heard keys and the door unlocking.

I meet my mom in front of the door glaring at her. She looked a hot mess. Her hair was all over the place, her clothes looked like she was rolling in mud, and she was missing a shoe. She was a former person of her younger self. Ever since Daddy died, and she founded out he had an affair everything went down hill, and she founded friends in girls name heroine, cocaine, and sometimes weed.

Her once beautiful caramel skin was no ashy and in need of some baby oil or lotion, her long hair was all matted with dirt, and her once thick shape now looked like just skin and bones. It's like she was here, but wasn't really living, I guess getting your heart broken and being kicked out your family because the love of your life is a drug dealer can make probably anybody go crazy.

"What the fuck you looking at?" she sneered as she locked the door then started to scratch herself.

"We were waiting for you, we don't have nothing to eat in this house" I explain, crossing my arms.

"What's that got to do with me? And you need to lose some meals with your fat ass" she pushed me out of her way and laid down on the couch.

I glared at her with hatred. I was so tired of everyone talking about my weight. I didn't think I looked that bad. I stood about five foot seven, was the color of caramel, with grey eyes, jet black hair that reached the middle of my back, and I wasn't no skinny chick. I had big boobs, a bigger ass, and a little bit of stomach to me I wasn't fat, but thick. Also had a beautiful shaped birth mark the shape of a heart on the back of my neck.

"How is it your problem?" I looked at her in disbelief. "Because we're your freaking kids! How about instead of spending all of the money on drugs you buy us some food!" I screamed, pissed off that she didn't care. But I guess I should have realized by now that all she cares about is getting her next hit.

"Stay in your place little girl," She sat up and glared at me. I saw how red her eyes were. "Ruining my high, and shit" she got up from the couch and went to her bedroom slamming the door behind her.

I'm so tired of living like this, something has to change.

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