Lost and found P2

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I felt a tap on my shoulder and sweet words whispered into my ear. My eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the light of just past dawn. My... father, was sitting beside me. I tried to get us but I fell back down onto the leather seats. He picked me up bridal style and he started walking somewhere. I took in my surroundings. I noticed many intimidating men wearing black clothing and earpieces, standing around. Ahead there was a beautiful white plane. He walked up the steps and my breath was caught in my throat as I stared at the interior.

I heard deep chuckling and realised my face must've looked weird

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I heard deep chuckling and realised my face must've looked weird. I looked down as my face burned in embarrassment. He set me down on the white sofa and I sat there fiddling with my fingers. Three of the intimidating looking men followed us on board. They gave me small stares as they passed and sat on the chairs at the end of the plane. They took out paperwork and one took out a gun. I wasn't scared though I felt uncomfortable with the way his stares burned into me. I'm pretty sure he took it out to see how I would react so I just sat there with a neutral face. I heard a scoff and I tried hard not to say anything.

Saying things gets people mad.
Mad people means you get hurt.
Getting hurt leads back to the loop I had only just escaped from.

I felt someone staring at me and when I looked up I saw my father staring at me.
"You okay, Bambina?" He looked genuinely concerned, which was something I wasn't used to. He looked back and saw the man holding the gun and looked over. "Does he scare you?"
I shook my head. "You can talk, Lia."

"I-It does not scare me." My throat was sore and dry from lack of water and lack of me using it other than to scream out in pain. Which reminds me... "D-do you have a-a bathroom?"
He nodded and showed me the way. I followed his directions and found it.

It was small but nice. I climbed onto the sink counter and opened the white cupboard doors, searching through the stuff until I found some painkillers. I swallowed them along with some water and looked at myself in the mirror. My brown hair looked half decent but some strands looked like they were going insane. My eyes looked dull but more lively than I've seen them since I was very young. I pushed my hair aside and inspected the large cut that had healed over in the last few hours. I made sure there wasn't any dried blood and checked my ribs again. I poked around and noticed that they weren't broken. I knew this because they felt a certain way when they were broken than just if they were bruised. Despite that it was hard to breathe the longer I went without medical help. I only went to the hospital once and it was because they had broken my ribs and one of my ankles.

After a few minutes the pain minimised and I relaxed slightly. I opened the door and walked back out to where my father was on his phone, looking clean and rich as ever. He saw me and placed his phone back in his pocket. I sat down beside him. "So. You probably have some questions."
I nodded my head. "Ask away." I was shocked that I was allowed to talk and ask questions. Usually they would just call me nosey and it was none of my business before they grabbed the nearest item and threw it in my direction.
"H-how many b-brothers do I have?" I was getting annoyed at the constant stutter and pain in my throat every time I spoke but I was scared to ask for something to drink. I didn't want to get hit...

"5. The youngest is 6 years older than you."

One of the men snickered and reply in a mocking tone.
"She probably doesn't know how to work that out."
My father stood and walked over. The man who gave the comment looked up at him and in the blink of an eye, my father was holding the man by his throat against the side of the plane.
"What did you say about my daughter?"
The man tried to apologise and gripped onto his wrist to try and pry his hand off of his throat but he couldn't. My father threw him to the floor and sat beside me. I didn't realise until he looked at my hands that I was shaking.

The rest of the flight was nicer. He would ask me questions about my favourite colour and flavour of ice cream. I ignored the question and changed the topic. I'd heard of ice cream but I was never given such luxuries. By the end of the flight I found out that my father was rich a owned multiple companies. I didn't question him about my life and why I never knew him but I suspected he would tell me soon enough. The plane landed and the three men in black stepped out and a few moments later my father took my hand in his and we walked down the stairs. Three more SUVs were waiting and I sat in the middle seat. The silence filled me with an awkwardness that then faded to exhaustion. It gave me a chance to think over how much my life had changed in under 24 hours. Suddenly we pulled up to a gate and another man wearing black but this time holding a gun in his hand, walked up. They said a few words before he signalled to someone to open the gate. He did so and in just under a few seconds the security had tripled. The area we were driving past was mostly woods. I looked forward and found my jaw dropping to the floor at the sight of the most amazing house -no, mansion- ever.

The car stopped and my father hopped out. He came around and opened the door for me. I jumped out and stared up at the gorgeous place. "Welcome home!" My father said to me. I smiled. Home...

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