Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Nat's Pov

"Hey guys!" Peter chirped, "How was your meeting?" Tony groaned obnoxiously.

"Boring. We all spent the first 20 minutes on our phones" Steve opened his mouth to argue. "Don't deny it, Steve. There is no other reason you would look at your crotch and it would glow." Steve turned bright red.

"Anyways, what was the meeting about?" Peter asked curiously. Before I could shoot a warning glare at any of them, Clint blurted out.

"Spiderman, actually,"

Peter dropped his pencil, but quickly recovered. When he spoke, his voice was slightly higher pitched than it normally was. What is he hiding?

"S-spiderman? What about him?" Why is Peter so nervous?

"Director Fury wants us to find him. Thinks he could be a threat if he goes rogue." Bruce added glumly. He's probably hoping that the Hulk won't need to make an appearance. I studied Peter's face. He paled slightly.

"He is an avenger level threat if he were to go rogue. That's why this mission is so important. I'm not sure this is such a good idea though," Steve said.

"You can tell this guy is doing good. Avenger interference might change that," Bucky finished darkly.

"What do you think Peter?" I asked him.

"I think Spiderman should probably just be left alone. I don't think he's an avengers threat. He just tries to look out for the little guy." I could see Steve smile out of the corner of my eyes, but I kept my gaze focused on Peter. He seemed to bristle slightly.

"Er- I just remembered! I have some physics homework! I gotta go do that. See you tomorrow!" He said in a voice that was too loud to be normal. Does he even take physics? Something is definitely up with Peter.

Peter's Pov

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god. The Avengers are after me. What am I going to do?

What am I going to do?

Welp, definitely not patrolling tonight.


Do they really think I am an Avengers level threat? I inspected my web shooters as I thought. What am I going to do if they confront me on patrol?

I'm just going to lay low for a little while, just going on patrol for a little while after school.


"So, Peter," Mr. Stark said abruptly as we were working in his lab, "How would you like to build something for me?"

"Of course, Mr. Stark!" I beamed, "What do you need?" He pulled up a hologram, and I could feel the blood drain from my face. It was my spider insignia.

"I would like you to build a new suit for spiderman!" Wait, what? "It's going to serve as a kinda peace offering when we confront the guy. If he's going to be hanging out with the avengers, he's got to be wearing more than pyjamas." I grinned widely, and started working.

5 hours later, I think I did a good job! I added a lot more features to the web shooters so I can toggle between webfluids, added a couple safety features (and pockets!), and I am currently finishing up the personal AI!

"So, kid. How's the work going?"

"'Great Mr. Stark! Could you help me finish fixing up this last bit of code? I'm trying to add a personal AI."

"Wow, kid, you got this done in 5 hours? This is great!" Mr Stark sounded proud for some reason. We finished up the coding. "Test it," Mr. Stark encouraged.

"Hello? What's your name?" I asked nervously. I hope it works.

"Hello Peter. I am an AI and therefore are nameless. You may give me a name, however." The AI responded.

"Cool! I am going to call you... Karen!"

"Thank you. I look forward to assisting Spider-man in the future."


Nat's Pov

We just got reports of Spiderman going on his daily patrol, so I was going to go up to him, see if I can get him to talk. Tony seemed to think that talking 'spider to spider' might be helpful. Spiderman was sitting on a rooftop from what the cameras saw, so I quickly rode into the city and entered the roof of the building. When I got about 10 feet away, he turned as if he sensed me coming and dropped the churro he was holding.

"Wow, the Black Widow! I'm a huge fan! What can I help you with?" He said, jumping to his feet. I had to suppress a gasp.


Peter Parker: Wrong Number AUWhere stories live. Discover now