Chapter Twenty

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I was pretty sure now that it was very possible to drop dead from an overload of the senses. Every part of me seemed to be crying out, arousal seemed to be a gentle word for it. My legs were shaking as I relied solely on my arms around his shoulders to keep me upright as I leaned forwards. My eyes were wet with tears as I tried to keep my mouth shut, not to cry out and reveal how easily he was manipulating me.

I could tell he was looking at me, occasionally, his eyes left a trail of awareness on my skin and I had to shy away from it.

I didn't know what to do, aside from let him tease me as he liked. I was fully swimming in deep waters now and the shark were circling ever closer. I felt helpless and vulnerable and way too turned on.

His fingers sank deeper inside me, moving slowly enough that I clamped down on them anxiously and fast enough that they still burned. It didn't feel good, it never did, so why the fuck was my cock dripping onto his lap? Why was I shaking, lust ringing through my body like I was hopped up on poppers or something.

As he moved I leaned into his chest and cried softly into his neck, shutting my eyes to prevent any actual tears from making their way out, embarrassed as I tried to hide my face.

"Don't- ah..." I shifted my ass a little to the side, trying to avoid the burn but instead feeling a shiver of pleasure run along my cock. "Death..." I trembled.

His voice was low and soft in my ear. "Call me Anubis." He demanded.

I swallowed, only capable of focussing on his fingers. The long nails were gone, apparently, as he drove inside of me, slowly increasing speed. I wasn't prepared, I couldn't prepare myself at all, every time he moved faster I was newly out of breath. Lost and gasping in surprise. "I can't... Wait..."

"Say my name." He demanded, a sexy hard edge to his voice that only made it harder for me to focus.

His fingers drove into me faster, two of them, and I could feel a third threatening to enter. I really didn't think I had enough air in my lungs to support the exercise. I pressed my lips against his skin, at the junction between his neck and his shoulder, an accidental light kiss as I spoke against him. "Anubis." I cried out softly, groaning as a third finger entered. "Please, please..."

He hummed, pleased, the vibration of his throat felt strange against my cheek. I pressed my eyes against his shoulder and brushed my wet eyelashes against his skin as I tried desperately not freak out and run.

It really did burn, and ache as well, it almost completely took my attention off of my dick that was still rock hard and dribbling between his legs as if it was entirely unaware of the situation. There was a shiver of pleasure as he started moving and I realised that there was definitely some nerve endings in there that were responding to his ministrations.

The thing is I'm not that sensitive back there, there's a reason I'd consider myself more a top than a switch, but aside from the pleasure I was feeling the situation as a whole was enough combined to make me horny as ever, worse than I'd ever been before including with Zack and anyone else that came before him.

Sitting on his lap, naked with my legs spread being expertly dominated, nervous and bound and red in the face. It was as though a part of my brain was watching from the corner of the room and thinking, well that's fucking hot.

But when he started moving with three fingers I realised as I worked around the deep pounding ache that he was occasionally briefly striking a part in me that was sending a jolt of pleasure straight down to my cock. It had me gasping in shock, my grip on him strengthening, enough that it would hurt a normal man, as I tried to reason with the sensation, trying to be able to expect it.

Skin and Bones (boyxboy) ✓Where stories live. Discover now