Chapter 18

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Rick's POV

It had all happened, not necessarily fast, but it seemed as if we were both reacting to everything in unison. As if for the first time since we had met we were in tune with each other.

When Avery confessed to me it seemed more as if he were standing before a priest confessing his sins instead of before his mate confessing his love. His breathing was ragged and his body shook like a leaf. I had lifted him up off the cold floor and brought him back to the couch sitting us both down. We were silent for a while both of us staring at the growing fire as we processed what we had both just committed to.

It was Avery who kissed me first.

He had seemed unsure staring at me for a while flinching back every so often as if he were afraid I would attack him. I sat still letting him do whatever he felt comfortable with.

"Close your eyes."

I had stared down at Avery for a moment. I saw the flicker in his eyes and obeyed without question. Nothing happened for a few silent moments but then I felt his warm soft fingers graze against my chin then move higher to my cheek. He paused running his fingers over my beard before I felt the hot puff of air over my lips and knew he was facing me only about an inch away. I didn't move.

Avery's kiss was hesitant at first. Soft, butterfly-like as he slowly grew accustomed to it. At some point he must have gained more confidence for his warm lips pressed more firmly against my own before he was opening up slowly, I in turn opened my mouth as well. I didn't force anything. I allowed him to explore and enjoy the kiss for what it was meant to be.

Through this soft, almost innocent kiss I felt love. I felt the fragile, hesitant yet determined love that Avery was offering me. This wasn't an animalistic kiss that demanded something of either of us. It was a kiss that offered everything. It offered a chance. For both of us.

Avery pulled back first and I opened my eyes to see his flushed cheeks and his pink lips as he stared up at me with red rimmed eyes. I smiled and ran a thumb under his eye wiping away the remnants of his tears cupping his cheek in my hand. Avery smiled back faintly and wrapped his uninjured arm around my shoulders.

As I watched the wheels turn inside Avery's head I leaned in and laid a firm kiss upon the rough surface of the pale blue cast on his arm. My instincts coming forward as I began to remember the silent promises I had made back in that cold white hospital room.

"Can we talk?"

I glanced up at Avery to see him looking a little more in control. I nodded and made to move back a bit to give him some room but Avery grabbed onto my sleeve and shook his head as he pulled off the thick quilted blanket from the back of the couch and placed it on the floor. I moved off of the couch and we both made our way to the floor spreading out the thick blanket and laying down a few pillows until we were both comfortable; Avery laying on his back as I laid on my side facing him.

"What do you want to talk about?"

Avery ran a nervous hand through his beautiful snow white hair and I noticed his hand was slightly shaking. On instinct I moved forward to offer him comfort and pulled his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers giving him a reassuring squeeze. He looked over at me and gave me a faint smile.

"You've told me about you so I thought it was only fair that I shared with you some things about me..." He paused as I thought over his words and my eyes widened as realization came over me.

"You heard me?!"

His smile grew and he nodded giving my hand a squeeze in return as I felt my cheeks burn slightly. Well shit, I felt a bit embarrassed.

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