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General info

See the last chapter for a google document so u don't need to write everything down.

Also, I'm currenly working on several books with new scripting ideas. One of them is coming out soon so look out if you're interested.

Full name -
Nickname -
Gender -
Sexuality -
Pronouns -
Date of birth -
Age -
Place of birth -
Race -
Ethnicity -
Nationality -
Currently lives in -
Fluent languages -
Relationship status -
Religion -
Occupation -

For Hogwarts:
♡ My house -
♡ Pure, half or muggle-born?
My patronus -
My wand -

[insert picture of wand and patronus]



Natural hair color -
Current hair color (dyed) -
Hair length -
Hair texture -
Eyebrow shape/color/thickness -
Eyelash length/color/thickness -
Body hair - no unwanted hair.

Things you can add:
♡ My hair is free from getting greasy, frizzy or damaged.
♡ My hair is free from getting tangled by itself.
♡ My hair always smells good.
♡ I'm immune to «ponytail hair».
♡ I'm immune to ripping, cutting, burning or shaving my hair, eyebrows or eyelashes off by accident.


Facial feautures
Eye color -
Eye shape -
Eyelid space -
Face shape -
Jawline - (Angular, v shaped, soft, defined/sharp?)
Nose -
Lip shape/color -
Teeth shape/length/color -
Skin texture -
Vision - Glasses/reading glasses or not? If so, what strength do you need? Farsighted, nearsighted, astigmatism?

Things you can add:
No eye bags or dark circles.
No acne scars.
My pores are barely visible.
My face is symmetrical.
♡ Freckles - yes or no?
♡ Dimples - yes or no?
♡ Do you have any birth marks or moles? If so, where?
♡ Sanpaku eyes or not?
♡ Do your gums show when you smile?
♡ Small/medium forehead
♡ Beautiful side profile
♡ Straight, white teeth
♡ Beautiful smile
♡ I am free from breaking out.
♡ I'm immune to any skin conditions.
♡ I don't/do blush easily.

[Insert pictures of your face claim here]


Skin color -
Body shape/type -
Height & weight -
Breasts -
Butt -
Shoe size -
Hands - (big, small, dainty, veiny, soft, strong nails?)
♡ Right or left handed?

Things to add:
♡ My dr self doesn't affect my self esteem in my cr in any way.
♡ I have my desired body type.
♡ None of my limbs or body parts are missing.
♡ My blood vessels are barely visible on my skin.
♡ I have no stretch marks.
♡ My body is symmetrical.
♡ I have pretty feet.
♡ My posture is always perfect.
♡ I'm immune to tan lines.

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