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Taylor's POV

        Today is Thanksgiving. Sadly Niall and I had talked last night and he had said how he wasn't going be able to make it home for thanksgiving. Mason and Mary have been hard to deal with lately I think the fact that they aren't seeing their daddy everyday. I woke up and went downstairs I looked in the driveway and saw a car pull into the driveway. I had hope that just maybe it was Niall but it was my parents. I opened the door and they can inside.

"Happy Thanksgiving sweetie"

"Happy Thanksgiving mom"

"Where can I start cooking?" my mom asked

"In the kitchen if you would like. There is 2 ovens in the kitchen if that helps you decide when to start cooking."

"I will get started right away."

I laughed she can never wait to do anything.

I walked upstairs and went into Mason's room and woke him up.

"Mommy" he said while rubbing his eyes

Then he locked his arms around my neck and I walked over to the changing table. I changed him out of his pajamas and changed his diaper. Then I picked up an onesie and a pair of brown pants. I dressed him and sent him down.

"Grandma and Grandpa are downstairs."

"Ma and Pa!"

        When Mason had run out of the room I made his bed and put his dirty clothes in the hamper. Then I went into Mary's room. She was awake and she was by her changing table with just a diaper on.

"What are you doing baby girl?"

"Get dressed."

"First let's change that stinky diaper and then we can get dressed."


        I laid her down on the changing table and changed her diaper. Then I picked her up and set her down on the floor. Then I grabbed her dress.

"Arms up"

She smiled and put her arms up. Then I put the dress on her and she pulled it down.

"Thak you mommy"

"Okay now head on downstairs and go see the surprise that arrived."

        I have never seen her run out of her room faster. I made her bed and walked towards the boy's nursery. They were all still sleeping so I went over to their closet and grabbed their outfits for today. Then I went Blaze's crib and picked him up then I carefully walked over to the changing table. Then I changed him out of his shirt and changed his diaper. Then I put on his onesie and his pants then clipped his binky on his onesie. Then I walked back ober to his crib and laid him back down. I went over to Aiden's crib and picked him up. I laid him down on the changing table and changed him out of his shirt. I changed his diaper and put his onesie on and put his pants over top of the onesie. Then clipped his binky on his onesie and laid him back down in his crib. Then I went over to Liam's crib and picked him up. I walked over to the changing table and laid him. I took off his shirt and put all the boys shirts in the hamper. Then I changed his diaper and put his shirt on and then overalls on. I clipped his binky to his overalls then I went over to Aiden's crib and picked him up. Then I picked up Blaze out of his crib and carried all the boys downstairs. I laid them down on the floor with some of their toys and headed back upstairs. I went into the girl's nursery and saw that the only one that was awake was Brille. I quickly grabbed their outfits and set them on the changing table. I walked over to Brille's crib and picked her up. I walked over to the changing table and laid her down and took her shirt off. Then I changed his diaper and put her shirt and shirt on her. Then I brushed her little bit of hair and put her headband on her little head. She looked adorable. Then I clipped a binky on her shirt. Then I laid her back down in her crib. Then I went over to Lylia's crib and picked her up. I laid her down on the changing table and changed her out of her shirt and changed her diaper. Then I changed her into her dress and then put her pants on underneath. Then I clipped a binky on her dress. Then I picked her up and picked Brillie up out of her crib and went downstairs. I set them down on the floor on the living room with the rest of the kids. Then I headed towards the kitchen and helped my mom cook dinner.

************* 2 hours later ***************

I was pulling the turkey out of the oven I heard the door open.

"Who's that mom?"

"Hmm I don't know let me go check."

        Then she left the room. I started to get everything on serving plates and bring it out onto the table in the dinning room. I had already fed the babies and had put them in their bouncers and they were happily playing and bouncing they are so cute in their outfits. Once I had everything on the table I grabbed the twins plates and cut up some of the turkey and put some of the sides on their plates.

"Mason Mary come here" I called

        But when they didn't come running into the room like they usually do so I went into the living room and was taken back by the sight in front of me. Niall was hugging the kids and looked up at me.

"Tay" he whispered


"Happy Thanksgiving"

I started to cry "How? You said you had a concert tonight."

"I wanted to surprise you."

"You certainly did."

Then he embraced he in a big hug.

"I missed you sooo much"

"I missed you too"

"It's not the same when you're not here."

Then we had a long passionate kiss.

"Daddy!!" the twins said happily while jumping up and down

"Want to help me get them in their highchairs?"

"I'd love to."

        I picked up Mary much to her unliking and Niall picked up Mason who locked his arms around Niall's neck. I easily put Mary in her highchair. I looked over at Niall and saw he was struggling to get Mason to unlock his arms. I laughed at him.

"Could you help me please?"

I nodded while laughing.

        The only way I could get Mason to unlock his arms was to tickle him and once Mason had realized that he was not in Niall's arms that's when the real waterworks started. Niall immediately picked him up out of his highchair and set him down on his lap.

"Hey little man why don't you sit in your chair then when we are finished dinner I will cuddle with you and all your brothers and sisters when we are finished okay?"

"Promise?" Mason asked


        Then Niall pull Mason back in his highchair and started to feed him his dinner. The dinner went by and when we were finished Niall was complaining that he was bloated the best part was right after he said that Mason jumped right on his stomach. Everyone laughed except Niall of course. Niall kept his promise and cuddled with the kids and ended up falling asleep along with the kids. I took a picture and put it out on instagram. I was so happy that he was home but with everytime Niall comes home the harder it is to let him leave.

Author's Note:

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