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Angel's POV

Don't keep me waitin' (Ooh, ooh)
I been waitin' all night to get closer
And you already know I got it for ya (Ooh, ooh)
You know the vibes, know the vibes
Put it on ya (Ooh)
If we're movin' too fast, we can slow up
Baby, this far from mediocre (No)
You know the vibes, know the vi-

I dismiss the alarm. I can't always rely on my brain to miraculously wake me up so this alarm does it for me.

I don't know who created alarms but whoever you are,just know that I admire you. So much I want to marry you. Note the sarcasm?

So I'm going to school and am I looking forward to it?
Hell no. I'm just going there so that nobody questions me when I say I'm busy. Nosy fuckers.

Oh sorry lemme introduce myself.
So I'm Angel Amanda Rodrigo. I'm turning 17 this year,like I'm getting old and my friends, May and Ray, call me a drama queen and that I'm exaggerating. Those fuckers have no idea what stress I have to deal with right now. Like hello,I'm no longer 16 but going to be 17 soon I'll be 18 then 19,20,21 and basically a...a adult. Like eeewwww.

Okay I kinda went off topic,but yeah I'm turning 17 this year and I'm in grade 12 or as one would say a senior/the president at Northbay High. That school is a bit cliché if you ask me,your so called bad boys but I know they're real sweethearts with rough pasts,the slutty queen b and her minions,the nerds,the popular wannabes,those who simply come to school for gossip,those who don't even give a damn about school but just go like me and finally those who don't fall under any cause well,you can't tell where to put them since they have their days.

Anyways...I'm not only a school student ,but an assassin and street racer. I was once into fighting. Was called the Satanic Angel. But after a few kidnappings and deaths and basically mafias wanting me to join,I thought to fake losing to my one of my friends,Dark Lightning,the school's sweetheart,Andrew. And after that I stopped going to underground fights unless I just wanted to loosen up or if Jordan and Andrew asked me to come see them fight. I mean I go to support the guys and also cause I get bored ,I mean reading on Wattpad or being on tik tok and Instagram or YouTube can bore me sometimes.

Okay sorry I keep going off track but anyways,yeah I'm now sticking to being a student, assassin and racer,I mean now it's cool cause I'm known as Angelic devil in the assassin agency,and not to brag but not only am I number 1 but I'm also one of the underground ghosts ,I know the others but they don't know me,I mean I'm pretty good at hacking so it was easy to know. So yeah my name was basically something I didn't want to change,but because I faked my death,well Satanic Angel's death, I had to come up with something. So that's that.

My parents,well they adopted me. My real parents are out there,I do know where they are and all and I don't care cause they left me at the orphanages gate. Like seriously,why not abort me than to bring me on this earth then give me away. Save us all the trouble.

Anyways yes but I see Melvin and Karen as my parents,I mean they adopted me and our relationship is kinda weird but we love each other so that's cool with me. 

So that should be it for now,I mean I do have my secrets but you'll find them out bit by bit,even if I don't want you'll still know.

So today is Wednesday and sadly I have school.
So let's get back to that a'ight.

Since I have to go to school and I must get dressed and all,so I do my morning routine,do my bed,brush my teeth,wear sportswear ,go for a run,come back,take a shower,sing as I get dressed,check my weapons,go down to eat and go to school.

So it's only 5, and I just got back from my run. I wake up at 4:20 a.m to do all that since school starts at 7:30 ,though the first lesson starts at 7:40 and school ends at 14:30 Monday to Thursday but at 13:00 on Fridays.
That's if we don't have extra lessons. Or those teacher conference meetings or competitions held at our school.

Anyways back to reality,I take a shower and sing while brushing my hair.
Okay so I remembered I never gave a description of how I look,so I am light skinned,I have curly thick bronze hair which reaches my waistline,I have hazel eyes,pink plump lips,and a great body,if I do say so myself. I would suggest you get used to me being over confident cause I am.

And I do get asked if I'm Hispanic, Latin and all but no, people I'm simply human, do I look like I have time to explain how my birth mother is Latin, sperm donor is Russian, adoptive parents are Spanish but act like they're every single one of them cause one moment they are Italian, the next American then Mexican and so on.

So anyway, since the weather forecast said today would be sunny and cloudy,I decide to wear a black denim skirt that reaches mid thigh with back pockets only,a plain white crop top which has short sleeves and a round neck,some white Nike air Force matching with white Nike socks too. For jewellery I put on pearl studs,I have a heart shaped locket with a picture of me when I was a baby, it's engraved 'Angela',it was on me when I was given away. We'll discuss that part some other time.

After getting dressed,I walk towards my walk-in closet and towards my mirror.
I installed a face recognition to open my secret room and fingerprint scanner,it has basically all if not most of my weapons and other stuff like computers for hacking and information on gangs,mafia and basically everyone that is in my life and one that can possibly be a threat to me.

I stand upright and look into the right corner of the mirror where the camera is placed,it looks like a normal mirror but it's not. The corners of the mirror lighten up with a green colour and the mirror slides to the left side opening the way to my secret room. The mirror slides back and I put my left hand on the wall in front of me,well it's more of a glass but since it's kinda dim you won't know. I press my palm gently on the glass for the scanning and the sliding doors open while causing the lights to turn on.

So everything of mine that normal people know nothing of,is in here.
So in this room,on the far left there's a study table and basically a shelf on two walls with books and files behind it lies another secret room where I have most of my computers for hacking and a safe,then moving to the middle is a long couch with a coffee table and a small fridge opposite to the couch and table with a plasma TV set on the wall right above the mini fridge,then moving to the left is my weapons area as well as my small hospital area,so first the small bed and cupboards full of medication and tools to help me fix myself after a few missions but I've never used it cause I've never gotten hurt enough to use it, then next to it is the weapons area with all my knives,guns and explosives,you name it,anything needed for fighting is right there. That's about it.

I check the weapons and see that everything is all there,I know all my babies by heart hence why I made it a habit to just check on them.

Okay now for breakfast then we'll go to school cause education is the key to success.

SIKE...I'm already successful and rich,I don't really need to go but hey,gotta go to school and make the parents proud,again.

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