The Perfect Storm

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THUNDER ECHOED BEYOND the Hastings kitchen. I found herself lost in thought as she stared at the stormy night.

"It's in sane. How many words do they expat you to learn in one night?" Hanna grumbled.

"Stringent?" Aria questioned

"Uh, tough." Spencer recalled. "Inflexible."

The blonde sighed. "It's not like your going to use them."


"It's not like you go to college and then.. start speaking a different language."

"It's about getting into college." I rolled eyes at Hanna before looking at Aria

"Meretricious. Phony, flashy."

Aria nodded. "Uh Han, why are you still eating that?"

"Because it's here." She replied

Spencer frowned "Put it in the garbage."

"Well then I'd have to stand over the garbage and eat it." Hanna restored

Aria looked at the next word. "Besotted."

"Infatuated, enamoured, in love with."

Hanna perked up. "Hey, what did Noel Khan say to you after the memorial?"

Spencer looked up. "Hello, were taking the SATs in less the 12 hours. Can we focus ?"

Hanna shook her head "Okay Spencer, Lexi you do not need to know anymore big words. Your already scary enough to anyone under 50."

"I'm not scary." Spencer turned to Aria. "Am I scary?"

"A little."

"I saw Noel Khan hug you, and he did not wanna let go." Hanna continued to push

"Talk about not wanting to let something go." Aria restore staring at Hanna.

"Why Can t you give him a chance. His smart, his cute, his dad owns like half of Rod island and his got great lips."

At that I stared at the blonde. "His father?"

"No. Ew. Seriously Aria you and Noel would look amazing together."

Aria sighed. "Can we just drop it, Please. I'm not looking for anything more then a friend?"

"Why don't you have enough Facebook besides don't you want someone real. Someone you could scratch and sniff."

Spencer looked up. "Wow. Maybe you should eat that over the garbage."

Hanna laughed. "Look I'm trying to help out a friend here. We all don't have smoking hot boyfriends and ball boys from the country club."

Aria leaned forward. "What is going on with you and Alex. Is he back from that tournament?"

Spencer stiffly nodded. "Yeah, his back."

"And..?" Aria pushed

"And it's good." Hanna, aria and I silently laugh. "It's is good and I want it to last I'm afraid I will blow it."

I tilted her head. "So when can we officially call him the boyfriend?"

Soon mum walked in placed her things on the table. "Hi mum." Spencer and I greeted in unison

Mum looked up. "Hi, Girls. Oh what smells so good?"

"Gaelic bread. Want some?" Spencer asked as she eyed it hungrily.

She shook her head. "I can't. God I missed food eat some butter for me will yeah. Oh my God I have so many messages."

Hanna turned Spencer. "Hey maybe you should ask Alex-"

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