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I wake up to a ray of sunshine blinding me, I groan as I realized I was completely alone in the dormitory. As I turn to Harry's bedside table I see the time, it was 12:56. Thank Merlin it is a Saturday. By the clock, there was a small note.

I groggily take the note and open it:

You seemed too cute to wake up, so Ron, Hermione, and I went to the library. I'll be back around one if you sleep in until that point

      - H. Potter

I smile and set the letter back down, Harry would be back soon. Mind as well just relax here and wait for him to get back. Cuddling up in Harry's sheets, I hear footsteps down the hall.

"Be quiet you git! She could still be sleeping." I hear Harry whisper to Ron. "If she's still sleeping, we can agree she's a sloth." I hear Ron say back. Then I hear him yelp and I stifle a laugh. The door opens and both the boys walk in. My face was covered by the blankets so they couldn't tell if I was awake or not.

"Yeah Ron, be quiet," I say, slowly sitting up. Harry gives Ron a dirty look then I laugh, "no I'm only kidding. I've been up for about ten minutes or so."

"See? You didn't need to yell at me or hit me!"Ron huffed and Harry just chuckles. Ron had to leave because he needed extra help in some classes, leaving Harry and me alone.

"I better get going, I don't want any Slytherins to see me leave here." I smile. As I stand up my legs hurt slightly and Harry chuckles, "I'll go so you can change."

He kisses my forehead then leaves. Once dressed, I head out of the dorm. Harry and I said our goodbyes. As I'm about to leave the Gryffindor common room, a voice calls to me, "hey there."

I turn to see Ginny Weasley. My eyebrows furrowed in utter confusion since she hates me, "oh hey Ginny, what's up?"

"Cut the chit chat, why were you with Harry last night? I saw you two go to the boys' side." She says, crossing her arms.

Moments of what happened the previous night went through my mind, I clear my throat, "studying for OWL's, Harry knows I'm worried about them."

She gives me a harsh glare, "alright then why do you have hickeys on your neck?"

I felt my face turn red, "that's none of your business."

"I guess Travis was right, you are a slut. First, you run around with Draco, and now Harry?" She sneered. How was this bitch not put in Slytherin? I was wearing a light green long sleeve shirt with black skinny jeans, of course, I forgot about the fucking hickeys.

I was about to say something when Harry walks out, obviously had heard what was said, "what the hell, Ginny?"

Her confidence falls and she stutters on her words, "Harry! I—" he looks to me, "Y/n, I'm so sorry about her."

He starts walking to me but I turn away, walking out of the common room and down the stairs. I don't want drama, I don't want that bitch talking to me, and I don't want Harry caught up in more drama as well.

Hopefully, he oblivates her arse.

It was about lunchtime, so I decided to go to the Great Hall for something to eat. I sit down at the Slytherin table and I start eating.

"Hey, Y/n, mind if we sit here?" I hear Pansy's annoying voice. As I look up, Pansy was stuck to Draco's side, he wanted a reaction out of me. He wanted me to yell, storm out, cry, and possibly ask for him. I'm not giving in.

I just shrug and continue to eat, they both sit down and do the same. They started doing gross couple things but I didn't give them the time of day. Once I look up, Draco had his eyes fixated on my neck.

"Y/n, are those hickeys?" He asked, visibly getting angrier. I kept a plain face and shrugged, finishing my food.

"I asked a question." He pressed on. I just ignore him and get up, Pansy goes to say something but I just walk off. No bullshit today, not for me.

She was probably just going to slut-shame me, she isn't worth my time. Neither of them are worth it, especially Draco.

I can tell you one thing, Draco is pissed. Just wait until he finds out I had my first time with Harry. I wonder what he will say when the rumors get around.

"Y/n!" I hear Emmett yell as I'm about to leave the Great Hall. I sigh heavily incomplete annoyance as I turn around to see the small boy.

"Yes, Emmett?"

"Are you excited for the year to end?" He says with a bright smile. My eyebrows furrowed and my heart sinks a bit, I was supposed to go back to Cedric's and Amos' home, or at least that's what I planned to do.


"Oh, Merlin did father not tell you?" Emmett says in pure shock, "you're coming to stay with us this summer!" He smiled brightly.

"I'm sorry what? He wants me to spend the summer with you guys?" There's no way in hell I'm going to go. The fact I found out from a kid I barely know shows a whole lot.

"Yes! He has a big surprise for you." He smiles, he was missing one of his front teeth, how gross. If I could, I would kick him. Kids piss me off, they are better footballs rather than humans.

I scoff, "sure. Tell him to write me and I'll consider it." I spat, growing increasingly more angry. I walk out of the Great Hall with my mind racing.

Why does he want to see me now? After all these years of not getting a single letter, he's finally ready to see me? I wonder what my mother is thinking, hell I wonder where she even is. After Cedric and Amos, I don't want a family. They are just people you get attached to just to be ripped away or used against you.

As long as I don't love or care for anyone, I'll be fine. Nothing could hurt me...


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