67. The power of three

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I stared at the moon from the window of my bedroom and wondered whether Rafe and Aiden were okay. Every time I closed my eyes, all I could see were the flames that engulfed them before Markolf and I disappeared. I did not have any reason to believe that anything had happened to them in that fire but, similarly, I had no way of knowing that they made it out safe and sound either. All I could count on was my gut feeling which was telling me that they were alive. Still, I did not know how much I could trust it in this supernatural world where even the impossible was possible.

My mind also wandered off thinking about Lucien and Anna, as well as my parents and Scarlett. I missed them all dearly and I knew that they were probably worried sick about me. Yet, as unbelievable as might have sounded, I was actually okay and things were under control. Sure, I was Markolf's prisoner but I was biding my time to strike and I could feel it in my bones that the right moment was not too far away.

That didn't mean that I wanted to spend much of my time with the cambion though. I spent the whole day exploring the mansion, familiarising myself with every corner of the place so that Markolf couldn't catch me unprepared when I needed to take him out. Of course, he tried to get me to have lunch with him, then dinner but I refused on both occasions. I did not want to see him after what happened the previous night, even if Cyrus' demise was his own doing. Surprisingly, the cambion did not insist or order me to join him, which was unexpected. Maybe he had finally understood that he and I were never going to be a team? One could dream.

The soft knock on the door brought me back to reality. I turned towards it and I saw Michelle's kind face appear. I had grown attached to her even after the little time I had spent with her and it wasn't even because she was Rafe and Natalia's mother, even though that automatically made her someone I cared for. Yet, beyond that, Michelle was just one of these people that you loved the moment you met them- she was so kind and caring, and one could immediately feel it. For a second, I wondered whether she spent time with my parents when they were all younger.

"Something has you smiling, dear," she spoke softly as she walked toward me. "Thinking of someone special?"

My grin grew wider at her words. "Family. I'm thinking of my family."

"Family," she whispered and I could see that the simple word was loaded with so many emotions for her. Despite telling me that her job and this place were her family now, the longing and sadness in her eyes were evident. Even if she did not remember her family, their absence affected her without her even realising.

Michelle grabbed the empty dinner tray from the table and then just stood there, lost in her thoughts.

"Michelle, are you okay?"

In an instant, she returned to her calm, happy self as if a switch got flipped inside her. "Sorry, dear, I got carried away. Did you enjoy your dinner?"

"I did. Please send my compliments to the chef. And you really didn't need to get this- I was happy to drop it off in the kitchen myself."

"Nonsense, dear, you are a guest here. By the way, Mr Mark is in the garden having his digestive, if you would like to join him." Her invitation meant well but I had no intention of getting anywhere close to that man.

"Oh, I would love to, really," I said with so much fakeness that if I were Pinnochio, my nose would be two feet long by now. To add to it, I decided also to try my acting talent as I grabbed my forehead, feigning illness. "But I just got this sudden headache. What a shame."

Michelle smirked as she evidently didn't buy my performance but she was kind enough not to bring it up. "Get some rest then, dear. If you need me, don't hesitate to reach me anytime. Good night, dear."

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