Part 28

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     We are still sitting peacefully in the gardens when I hear footsteps approaching from behind us. Jake's arm tightens around my shoulders and he goes alert. "I knew you weren't dead!" A voice screams and starts running towards us. Jake springs into action standing up and pulling me behind him protectively.

     "You again," he growls out annoyed when he sees who it is. "How did you get out of the cells again?" Peaking around Jake's huge figure I see my so called mother. She does always seem to make random appearances. 

     "What happened to you my dear?" She says ignoring Jake, much to Jake's disapproval, and speaks directly towards me. After I don't reply to her though she looks straight at Jake demanding answers. To which Jake sighs and begins to tell the story, his muscles tense the whole time and my fingers ache as his grip on my hand gets tighter . "My son you say, I haven't seen him in years. You must help him and I demand to be there the next time you meet with him." She says once she knows what happened. "Who are you to dema-" Jake starts but is cut off. 

     "Anyways I'm inviting you both to Jake's house for dinner. I'll cook." And with that she leaves. Skipping back into the bushes of the garden. 

     "She is the weirdest person I know," Jake states while shaking his head and I quietly laugh. When I look back at Jake he has a soft smile on his face and is looking directly into my eyes. 

     "I have an appointment to meet with your brother tomorrow morning and I would like you to come. If that's alright with you of course," He rushes the end out. I nod my head towards him, and then look back out at the flowers, many of which were planted for me. Which is extremely hard to comprehend. Does this pack truly care about me enough to mourn my "death"? 

     Jake must have noticed me staring at them because he sighs and pulls me closer to him. "The pack already loves you and looks up to you. Even if you haven't been able to meet them all yet. When you are ready they have a whole barbecue planned to get to meet you better, they are just waiting on a date." 

     We take another lap around the garden, Jake's hand in mine and my arm prickles every time it accidentally brushes along Jake's. We then head back inside and I immediately catch whiff of a foul smell. I look at Jake with questioning eyes and he sighs already knowing who it is. "Your mother is cooking dinner it seems," and pulls me along with him into the kitchen.  

     "There is my precious daughter and he insufferable mate! How was your date in the garden?" I blush at that and scoot closer to Jake. "Oh never mind that then. Come help me cook! I am making my specialty." I walk over to the stove slowly, letting go of Jake's hand but he stays pressed close against me. I look into the pot and see a sludgy brown soup. I back away from it wrinkling my nose and turn to Jake with wide eyes, hoping he can save me from having to eat it.

     "As a rogue I made this, it's packed with nutrients and keeps your stomach from growling." She takes her wooden spoon dipping it in and having a taste. Her mouth goes straight and she sets the spoon down. "On second thoughts, Juliet, darling why don't you make your poor mother and your mate a nice and lovely dinner." 

     I am used to cooking dinner, it being one of my main chores at my father's pack. I bow my head towards her, obeying, and walk to the cupboard to see what we have. Jake growls and pulls me close again. "You cannot force my mate to do things," then he turns to me "Juliet you do not have to cook dinner, we can go to the pack house or just order something." 

     I think about it, but my mother is right. My mate would probably like a home cooked meal from me. It's one of the most caring acts a mate can do for each other and I have yet accomplished that task. I smile lightly, hoping that I will be able to make him happy and for once not be a burden around here. "It's okay, I want to" I speak lightly facing Jake. 

     Jake lets go of his tight grip on me and looks at me straight in the eyes for a few seconds before agreeing and claiming he will set the table. 

     I decide on cooking a simple spaghetti with grilled chicken. The whole time I am cooking Jake sat at the bar watching me with a light smile, and ignoring my mother while she tried to make conversation about anything and everything. 

     I finish it fairly quickly and dish everyone up a plate. We three then sit at the table, Jake next to me and my mother across from us. She digs in, scarfing down the whole plate. I look towards Jake and see him smiling at the food, me, and then back to the food. He sees me giving him a weird look and he looks away from me back to his food. He clears his throat and takes a bite, slowly chewing it, like he is taking apart each ingredient and assessing it. 

     He swallows before turning to me with a big smile. "I love it, thank you for cooking for me." I smile at this and go to take my first bite. 

     "Oh yeah, thanks darling," my mother mumbles out to me through a mouthful of her second serving. I roll my eyes and try to cover up my light laugh and we go to eating the rest of out food in silence. 

     The meal is finished and Jake helps me with the dishes after calling a guard to make sure my mother makes it back to the cells. We then head up the stairs to the bedroom and Jake suggests I get ready for bed. Once I am comfortable and in bed while he takes his turn in the bathroom I fall asleep almost instantly. But am woken up later to the feeling of Jake getting in bed and whispering "I had an amazing day with you, I love you" and I fall back to sleep with a smile on my face. 

A/N: Hey, I am sorry it takes me ages to get a new chapter up. I am graduating high school this Friday and have been extremely busy. I hope you all enjoyed this sweet chapter of Juliet growing her relationship with Jake. Thank you all for reading!!! 


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