Chapter-7 break time

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Wall Maria shiganshina district Ymir and bertholdt, Reiner escaped and manage to reach wall Maria FUUCK we really did it. HAA HAA Ymir was laying down while breathing heavily "dropping tears " w-why this Haa Haa Haa Reiner spoke Ymir HAA why did you come to our side aah thats...because I'm stupid if it wasn't for the mask man we probably never made it but we did, n-no he let us escape what do you mean bertholdt said Ymir, while you guys were focus on killing those titan I saw the mask man face me and turn his head around like he didn't care about me, Ymir spoke with curiosity I have a suggestion I think is because historia knows me and let us escape even if we battle him we will completely have no left overs Reiner raised his hands covering his face did you guys saw those shadows no respond I did. If it was like he had a whole army of Shadows Ymir responded with fear I a-also saw a group of titan but it was only 5 YOUR LAYING RIGHT!! Screamed Reiner, no I'm not it was just a glimpse but I saw it, we shouldn't never missed with him it was like he was death himself. ............ I ..........

On top of the wall
Late at night~

HURRY THE WOUNDED FIRST!! It can't this it?, where did the stationary guard GO!? Really, the majority of them where lost!!? Historia tilted almost falling watch it! This kid is in bad shape too!
Out of no where Jin woo showed up Connie you okay yes let me look at her condition Jin woo grabbed historia
I see can you guys face back why! CAN YOU REALLY SAVE HER!! Yelled Connie yes I can so stop screaming is getting annoying oh sorry they turn there whole body back the only thing Jin woo can see was there back he grabbed a healing potion from the system shop while raising historia head tilting her head forwards and making her drink it okay you guys can look now is she okay yelled the girl with glasses she almost reminded me as hanji yeah she just needs rest, hey Jin woo oh hey armin thank you for saving us back there you were amazing ah thank you how's mikasa she still recovering what about eren he's talking with mikasa but back than I also believe when erens fist collided he grabbed all the titan attention sending them towards the armored titan I believe that as well I'll be back Jin woo vanished what a mysterious guy mikasa did say he's about our age

COMMANDER!? CAN YOU HEAR ME COMMANDER!?  SHIT HE'S LOSING CONSCIOUSNESS HURRY UP AND TAKE HIM AWAY!! eren stood up COMMANDER!! Eren looked around at we what he caused c'mon Connie just a little bit more stand, Connie started sobbing I can't believe I'm still alive eren looked around more I got captured and because of that, how many people die? Scouting and stationary where about 100 beyond them I'm not sure, there were about 40 people on the wall just now and among them only about half can stand and walk even from the scouting legion, about half of the battle tested veterans were lost I wonder whats going to become of us now, but I least there were no losses on the way back thanks to Jin woo slaughtering all of them if it wasn't for Jin woo we would've been dead. But back than the one that directed the titan attention towards the armored titan was it you eren
.........back then I didn't know what was going on either what happened I have no idea are you saying that you controlled the Titans no i can't I tell if you really could do that Connie with a nervous look that true eren I still don't know, the commander got his arm eaten mikasa ribcage were broken before however after they analyzed her, she has been healed she simply needs rest WAIT ARE YOU FOR REAL definitely for what reason would I lie wheres Jin woo I don't know he vanished yet I think his in a similar spot as before WHERE TELL ME WHERE why so pressing to discover him don't stress over go as far as possible straight until you see the cannon okay thank you!! I'll be back eren I'll come with you okay I need to tell him how he healed mikasa if it's possible he can also heal commander Arwin straight head eren spotted him JIN WOO!! Please I need to ask you for a favor Jin woo faced eren and armin they reached Jin woo Haa haa "gasping for air" how did you heal mikasa I can't tell you please if you can heal her can you please heal commander Arwin sorry I can't WHY NOT! Because

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