Chapter 32

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Welcome to to the final show everyone... 

Two days.

It's been two days since Harry left.

Two days since he said he loves me. Two days since I realized that in the end the only way I would get better and away from this wretched feeling is if I get him back in my arms. Hearing my words repeated back to me in the hallway of that arena by Niall only motivated me to get my shit together.

Tonight is the last show of the tour and I'm shitting bricks. Apparently, London holds some of the world's most famous celebrities who just so happened to be coming to tonight's show. So on top of running around like a freaking mad woman making sure everything was in place for tonight, I had to make sure I didn't look like a lunatic in front of all these famous people.

Niall is having an absolute ball with this. Even after begging, he still hasn't told me who the hell was coming tonight. Andrew hasn't told me shit either. The band were even clued in on everything.

It's just bullying at this point if you ask me.

I was already working up a sweat lugging around the different equipment crates to and from the stage directors. We were also recording this show for this special that Niall would be releasing after the tour is over. I managed to sneak myself into a couple of scenes. Niall of course made sure that I was in the bloopers. Let me just tell you that there are over 5 hours of bloopers that I strongly believe it should be in the final edit.

"CECELIA!" Niall called out from the stage with his hands circled around his mouth.

I whipped my head around, squinting my eyes until I found him. I quickly jumped over a barrier, jogging over to him and heaving out a 'what's up.' They always fail to mention that you become a frickin' sprinter on tour, running from one end of the arena to the other.

"Drop what you're doing and go get ready for tonight," he smiled, crouching down, grabbing the clipboard from out of my hands and pulling the pen I had tucked in my bun.

"What? No! I still have to get the catering to bring over the food to the dressing room area. I have to write up the final directions fo-"


"Don't even get me started with the paperwork I still have to file for the special. Those damn producers won't eve-"


"I still have to go through the outfits for you with stylist-"

"CECELIA LOVETT!" Niall shouted, making everyone in the arena stop and look over to the stage. I immediately shut my mouth as I stared at him, raising my eyebrows.

"Did you just yell at me?" I teased, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Yeah cause you won't shut up and listen to me," he chuckled, hopping down from the stage, "I already got that all sorted out. The band even helped a little. So please go back to the hotel and get some rest and get ready for the show. This is not my first last show. But it is yours and I want you to enjoy yourself. So leave before I fire you and then hire you back when the show starts."

I looked up with a thin layer of tears covering my eyes, "Niall, t-thank you. That means so much."

"I got you Lovett," he shrugged smiling, "Now get out. Frank is out at the back entrance. He'll bring you back at 6pm."

I quickly hugged him mumbling another thank you before grabbing my bags and heading to the back.

"Hello Cecelia!" Frank smiled as I climbed in the back.

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