goodbye...? | jade leech

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"Ah... So this is our last goodbye?" Jade asked you in a solemn voice, face strained as he tried his best to keep his calm composure. His eyes started getting glossy and you couldn't help but scrunch up your face when you caught a sight of it.

"Jade, you gotta stop making things sound so dramatic!" You playfully shoved him, eyebrows furrowed as you told him off—anyone else would've easily misunderstood the situation from his words alone and you were trying to avoid that as much as you can.

"Pfft. I was merely jesting, do forgive me for my behaviour, my dearest." He wiped away a single tear from the corner of his eye, you wondered for a moment about where it came from. From his act earlier? Or from laughing at your reaction? You didn't know and you didn't want to ask.

He placed his hand on your head, stroking your hair gently. It appears that Jade was fond of messing with you more often now, judging from his act earlier. You crossed your arms and pouted, "Geez... I was just heading back to my room."

His removed his hand from your head and slipped down to entwine his fingers with yours, bringing it up to his lips as he kissed your knuckles. "It wouldn't change the fact that I'll miss you just as much." You flushed at his words, trying to keep your emotions in check.

Though the look he was giving you was making it hard for you to calm your beating heart. His mismatched eyes truly were mesmerizing—you felt your breath being taken away. Testing his luck even further, Jade pleaded with you, "Won't you stay the night with me?"

And as if some sort of magic took over you, you nodded your head without so much as a second thought. How sneaky! For him to give you that look and to ask you of such a favour—you walked right into his trap. Jade couldn't hide the smirk forming on his face, feeling victorious by your compliance.

"Excellent. Now, shall we head to my room? Fufu~"

"W-wait a minute, I--"

"Oh dear, you're not having any second thoughts now, are you? You already agreed, it would be upsetting if you were to back out now."

"Damn, you played me."

"I love you too, my dear."

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