Author's Note

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Author's Note

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I just wanted to say that it's been quite the journey, writing Anna and Charlie's often unconventional and sweet love story, which I hope you have enjoyed following too.

Lines We Forget blossomed from a daydream long ago into a story that I hope has given readers something to come back to and invest in! 

As always, I couldn't have done it without some tremendous support, from brilliant fellow authors and readers alike.

So I wanted to say thank you to @mishlrodriguez, @To_Kill_A_Bookworm, @TheVandiShow, @PricilliaChang, @Mrs_Write, @HeatherGraceStuart, @AnnieTheAuthor and @rainbowbrook.

And to all my readers (apologies if I miss anyone out) - @CityOfOrphans, @casker, @cat_evans, @jumprope, @Australia8, @theillusionaryy, @PandaGirl22, @misslips4, @PrettyPurpleLipstick, @LotteLola, @runandhide, @jennisonsilverye, @sweetpinkdreamer, @Blue_Curtains, @RKKelly, @isabellesophie, @inanimatezebra. @jimrileyenlight, @Lucyface, @iRunOnDunkin @shamika09, @bccute and everyone else that has given Lines We Forget a read!

Please continue to let me know what you enjoyed about LWF and your favourite parts/quotes from the story!

In the meantime, thank you again :)

Miss Warren Writes x

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