Chapter 26

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Jennie POV

We didn't really go far. In fact, we went to the only safe place we knew. The treehouse.

We had to clear our minds and come up with a plan. It wasn't ideal but it was all we got.

We parked the car at the border of the woods, a little hidden in case our parents decided to canvas the neighborhood. Rosé hadn't said a word the whole way, however, she held my hand tight. Maybe she was afraid to let go. Afraid that if she let go she would lose me for good. That's for sure how I felt.

Once the eternal ladder of despair climbed, we had the time to catch our breath.

As we were sat on the floor, Rosé still didn't let go of mt hand and I think I wouldn't either anytime soon.

She was almost immobile. It kind of frightened me because I was used to seeing her exhibiting nervous habits, like when she plays with her sleeves or bounces her leg. She was looking straight ahead and I didn't know if she was with us or in her own head.

"So, uh..." Joy started, gaining everyone's attention. "It's not that I have anything better to do anyway but are we planning to stay here mute until we die or are we going to come up with a plan?"

"We really need to teach you human manners." Irene shook her head.

"My parents tried." she snorted to herself. Irene rolled her eyes sighing.

"At least they tried." Rosé let out in a small voice. She looked so sad and I couldn't help but squeeze her hand. "At least they care about you." she sighed. I couldn't take the pain it was inflicted me anymore. I moved to her side and hugged her. Her hand wrapped gently around my arm. I put my head on her shoulder. Lisa came to the other side of her and did the same.

"Little question, do you all feel some kind of emotion or am I an emotionless bitch? It kind of scares me right now."

"Good that I'm not the only one having an emotional crisis." Rosé half-joked.

Somehow, it made everyone chuckled. Even Joy.

It died down and the despair was felt again.

"What's your plan, Park?" Joy sat on the table, grabbing an apple and playing with it.

Rosé sighed. "I don't have any. The only thing I know is that I can't go back to my house. Not anymore. I think I officially got kicked out when we ran away. I would like to think leaving town is the best move but I also have Jennie's side to consider." she turned toward me.

I was taken aback a bit because I hadn't really thought about it. I knew we needed a plan. I just completely forgot about coming up with it.

"I... I..."

"It's alright. Take your time into thinking." Rosé sent me a smile.

"You two are disgusting." Joy groaned.

They all look at her and Irene even slapped her arm. She immediately seemed to understand that she had said it the wrong way as her eyes widened. "That's not what I meant. It's just that you're so in love it's disgusting." Irene squinted her eyes at her. "Not in a homophobic." she clarified "In an "I find love disgusting kind of way'"

Rosé laughed. "I feel sorry for your future boyfriend." Joy frowned "Or girlfriend, or whatever they want to be called." Rosé added, only to make Joy groaned.

They all laughed. I suddenly felt relax and I wondered if old Jennie could have even imagined this. I felt a but emotional at the thought. She had always wanted to be accepted and loved by her family and by her friends. If wished Rosé could have joined them at lunch and that the girls would strike the conversation with her. That they would leave school together laughing.


Our eyes snapped toward the door but the voice was coming from below. To the ground.

The voice of my mother.


Ohoo 😂 against all odds 😂

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