
664 17 7

Published Friday, June 17, 2022

Unknown's POV:
I sigh monotonously as I wander through the curving paths of my flower garden, the training shoes upon my feet tapping quietly against the stone pathway as I walk, while my hand runs along the roughly hewn stone wall to my left. The barest hint of a smile curves upon my lips as I gaze at my personal collection of flowers whilst also hearing the laughter of my team from off in the distance as they chase each other through the halls of my massive, immaculate black, with gold and silver veining, marble castle.

I pause when I reach the uttermost center point of my garden, which is nothing more than a small, circular area with a deep purple hued Rosewood gazebo in the center of it; a set of fairy lights dimly glow from their positions wrapped around the posts. The top of the gazebo itself is made out of glass, as to enable to one the ability to gaze upon the sky whilst still remaining under the protective cover itself. The gazebo has three different openings, one on each 'side' of the circle, except for the furthest side from me, which has a crescent moon shaped bench, with a seat made out of Ash wood and metal arm rests that twist in the likes of vines, pushed up against the edges of the wooden railing.

There are four different paths that can lead you into the center circle, as there are other circles throughout my garden as well, that are simply there to signify the different paths that can be traveled.

I sigh again, heavily this time, as I walk forwards and plop myself down upon the bench. I relax against the wood, my head titling back as I close my eyes. Taking in slow, deep breaths I gradually feel all the tension come loose from my shoulders and back, my legs extending out in front of me as they, too, relax.

Feeling someone with a strong presence about them, but that of comfort and concern instead of danger, sit down beside me, I open my eyes and let out a quiet "Hmm?" to let the person, my third in command, Snake, know that I am listening.

"Hey boss." I roll my eyes in irritation and raise an eyebrow in place of greeting him. "Listen, I know you're stressed and all of that, especially with us Elites running rampant through your castle, but I was just wondering if you were okay?"

I pause, staring at him with surprise taking over the inquiring expression resting on my features. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugged and smiled sheepishly, reaching up to pull down his hood and ruffle his unruly blond hair as he does.

"Well, I mean, the team and I have noticed your... odd behavior, and just wanted to make sure that you were okay." I stare at him for a long, silent minute. Snake starts to shift uncomfortably till I let a smile, a real, genuine smile, take over. He tilts his head to the side, silently asking what caused me to smile like that.

"I'm just happy that you guys noticed. I, unfortunately, have a slight problem of getting attached to people and, well, you guys are my family. But anyway, no, you're right. I'm not okay." I spit out in a rush, my cheeks dusting a light pink color after saying that.

"What do you mean? What's wrong?" I smile softly at his concern before tiredly running a hand down my face.

"I'm happy for all the happy couples, of course I am, but... I-I just wish that I could be one of those happy couples, with a person to drag on cheesy dates or romantic walks in the park. A person who looks at me for me and doesn't immediately bend over backwards upon hearing my name. I'm...I'm lonely, truth be told. I want someone to love, to cherish, to spend the rest of my life with. I mean, is that really too much to ask?" Snake looks at me in surprise, before slowly shaking his head.

"No, it isn't. You of all people deserve that. And please don't ask me how I know, or why I know, but I have a feeling that that special someone should be coming around soon." Snake paused, looking up towards the sky in thought. "I know that I'm not the best person for these types of situations, but you can always talk to Dove about this. I'm certain she would be more than willing to help. And considering who you are, your soulmate must be pretty special, so certainly they couldn't escape your attention for too long. And trust me, once you meet them, you'll just know. It's the same thing that happened when you brought me back to life and I looked Constellation in the eyes for the first time. I hope you find them soon," Snake whispered quietly.

The two of us fall into a comfortable silence, with him looking up at the night sky while I stare down at my folded hands, which rest gently in my lap.

Snake gets up after a minute or two and begins to walk away.

"Wait!" Snake turns to look at me, his blue eyes crinkling in the corners as he smiles inquisitively. "Thank you..." I whisper. His grin widens as he nods.

"Of course. You're my friend, and you don't need to thank me for cheering you up, Chaos." With that said, Snake disappears back into the garden, leaving me to contemplate what was said.

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