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☆.。.:* BABY BLUES .。.:*☆
act one — the test
( 🤎🌫👼🏼☁️)

Three long days had passed since finding out she was pregnant and Thea could do nothing but tidy her entire home and be nervous. Making sure her home was clean before Lando arrived made her happy, knowing that he would come home to a clean house helped her feel at ease. Lando had an amazing last race of the season, coming eighth, but she knew her best friend, so she knew that he'd be beating himself up about it.

As soon as the race had finished on Sunday and he had finished all interviews, he was on the first flight back home, as he wanted nothing more than to cuddle with Thea on the couch as they watched 'Midsommar', that was by far their favourite film to watch together. Even though it was very strange and confusing, they loved the difference about it and the storyline.

Thea knew that Lando wouldn't be home until the early morning, yet she wanted to stay awake to see him, she wanted to see her favourite person before she fell asleep. She decided that the large grey couch would be her best friend for the next multiple hours, as she knew that if she waited in her bed that she'd fall asleep instantly; she also only had a few more episodes left of a season of criminal minds, desperately wanting to finish it before the last series came out. Lando knew her love for the show, as every time he came home it would be on the tv, either in the living room or in her bedroom.

A few hours had passed since the first cup of tea and the first episode, and even though she fought her hardest to stay awake for Lando, T had fallen asleep. She was cuddled into the blanket, her body is the foetus position as her head rested on the oversized couch pillow; luckily she changed into her pyjamas beforehand so she wouldn't be uncomfortable if she did fall asleep. Her pyjamas consisted of one of Lando's hoodies and some of her pj shorts, that's how it had always been like since they moved in with each other, she wore his hoodies and he loved it.

The sight of her looking so cosy and comfy made Lando smile when he entered the living room, immediately taking off his shoes and coat, he walked over to his best friend before crouching in front of her. "Thea, I'm home." He softly spoke, gently rubbing her arm as she began to wake up. Her messy bun was messier, she had a little bit of drool in the corner of her mouth and her cheeks were slightly red but Lando didn't care about any of that, he thought she was beautiful no matter what. "Good morning, sleeping beauty."

"Hey, congratulations on the race." She murmured, still slowly waking up, as she opened the blanket for him to join her. Accepting the gesture, he hopped on the couch as he placed his head on her chest and wrapped his left arm around her waist, feeling instantly relaxed under her touch. With a smile on both of their faces, Thea began to run her freshly manicured fingers through his brown curls, slightly scratching his scalp to help him sleep. "I tried to stay awake to see you but I accidentally fell asleep, I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologise, love, coming home to you is enough." He told her, her cheeks becoming flushed at his comment, yet she couldn't tell if he said that because he was jet lagged or if he truly meant it.

"I actually have to tell you something, but you have to promise that you won't get angry at me." She seriously said, his head lifting off her as they both sat up straight, Thea knew it was now or never. "Remember the night of our twentieth, when we slept together?" She asked him, too which he nodded. "I found something out on Friday and you deserve to know, I'm pregnant."

The room went silent, the only noise was from Penelope Garcia on the tv, you could hear a pin drop. Thea could feel tears burning her eyes as she looked anywhere but at him, his silence was killing her slowly and she didn't know what to do. "Pregnant? As in, you're going to have a baby?" He asked, surprised at the information that he had just found out. "Is it my baby, T?" He asked, she nodded as the tears streamed from her green eyes down her cheeks and onto the white blanket. She had never cried so much in her whole life than she had in the past three days.

"I'm so sorry, Lando, I'm sorry." Thea cried, getting up to get some tissues from the kitchen, Lando had followed her wanting to know more.

"When did you find out?" He calmly asked, sitting on one of the stools at the island but Thea couldn't sit down. She knew that once she told him when she found out that he would get angry.

"Friday morning." She whispered, hoping he didn't hear her but he did. Rubbing his face with his hands, he let out an exhausted sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me on Friday, T?" He asked her, his tone calmer than earlier as she decided to now sit down, getting a headache from everything. "If you told me straight away, we could've done something or had a proper conversation without us crying."

"Because i was so scared, Lando, i still am. I'm scared that you wont want anything to do with me or this baby, I'm scared that you're going to leave and never come back, im scared that i'll have nobody. I'm was so fucking scared of the possibilities that I couldn't tell you straight away, and I'm so sorry for that." Thea cried out, her nose was red and her eyes bloodshot as she swiped the tears away. Lando instantly got off his chair and went over to his best friend and the mother of his baby, wrapping his arms around her shoulder, his right hand cradling her head and he tried to soothe her and calm her down from panicking.

"It's alright, I'm here, T. I'm always going to be here, okay? No matter what happens, you're always going to have me." He reassured her, her sobs becoming muffled by his hoody making his heart break at the sound of her cries. They stayed like that for a while, she was calming down due to Lando softly talking to her about his race and his next twitch stream. Placing a gentle kiss on the top of her head, he pulled away from her and cupped her face making her look at him. "I'm not angry at you, not one bit. I understand why you didn't tell me, i do, but I'm not going anywhere. I'm going to be here for you and our baby."

"Our baby, that sounds so crazy to say. Baby Norris." Thea happily said, a beaming smile on her face yet still with red eyes, as she placed a hand on her flat stomach while looking back to Lando. "Thank you for not leaving."

"We've got this, we're Lando Norris and Thea Greene, we can do anything if we believe." He said, making her burst into a fit of giggles making him laugh with her.

"Okay, Troy Bolton, calm down." She joked, as they laughed harder at the horrific joke that she had made. Once the laughter had died down, she got serious again and hugged her best friend. She was a few inches shorter than him so it made it easier for her to wrap her arms around his shoulders, he then hugged her waist, gently squeezing her to let her know that she didn't have to say anything.

Not feeling motivated to go to their bedrooms, they decided to sleep on the couch that night yet they never did sleep. Throughout the rest of the night into the early morning; they had watched many sidemen videos that they had tear stains on their cheeks from laughing so much, Lando talked to the baby many times about his favourite races and what not and they made a plan on how to tell their parents. Life was nothing but amazing for the little family.

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