Dear 26...

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Dearest 26,

It's been a long time. How are you?

Wait, am I too formal? Okay, let me rephrase that.

Hi, hello. You, stupid fuck.

Is that okay?

I'm sorry for that. I just feel like greeting you like that. But you don't mind, right? It was okay with you. Especially when I was the one saying that.

"It's up to you, my lady."

And it's always up to me.

Why is it always okay with you?

Dear 26, I don't know why am I writing a letter for you. Well, to be honest, I want to tell you something. But let me ask you this first..

Do you remember the first time we met? Because I don't.  Did we ever lock our eyes? I don't think so. Did we ever talk? Like, in person. No, no we did not.

So, how come? How.. come?

My dearest 26... I just want to say that I somehow... missed you. I don't know. I just felt it. I know my introduction was so freaking bad and so rude but that's just how I am. That's just how I-- I don't need to explain it further because I know you understand what I am trying to say. Because that's you

"How are you, my lady?"

I missed your once-in-a-blue-moon asking me how I was doing. Or maybe I just missed someone asking me that. But, I don't really want to think about that.

"I missed talking to you. I miss you."

I missed your witty--out-of-this-world kind of banters, which I always oppose. And you'll just shrug it off.

"I really don't know how because you are so extraordinary. I always feel lost and frustrated."

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