21 BBY The Jedi Temple

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Breywen yawned and stretched her arms outwards. She turned to her side and saw the interior of her bedroom at the temple. Small and square, with a circular window looking out to the vast sprawling urban landscape outside, the room held very little. Her bed mat placed upon the ground, in the corner was a small pot with a vibrant green and leafy plant inside, and finally her pedestal rested before her with her two lightsaber hilts resting upon the spikes on top. She sighed as she stood up and proceeded to get dressed in her robes. 

She had been stationed on Coruscant for some time now. One year had passed her by since the death of her master and still she received no new assignments to help the war effort. Deep down she couldn't help but think the council was purposefully keeping her here, giving her simple and menial tasks to "ensure" the safety of the seat of the Republic, all while technically still training her. Grabbing her sabers, she latched them together and stuck them to her side. She was ready, and she was going to make it known to the council now. With a wave of her hand her door opened and a clone trooper stood there ready to knock. 

"What is it, trooper?" She asked gently, with a subtle undertone of annoyance. The trooper stood tall and dropped his hand, "General... It's good to see you again..." She looked the trooper up and down. The armor wasn't the traditional white and red color of the planets guards. Instead it was accented with a dark yellow color. As her eyes dropped further down the left leg caught her eye. Robotic, but painted to match his armor. "Sunny..?" She looked back up and the trooper removed his helmet. His face now adorned a scar across the right brow, and he had decided to grow out his beard.

The trooper smiled kindly at her, "Yes, sir." She threw her arms around him and embraced him in a hug. "It's been so long... I've missed you... What have you been up to? What happened here," She bombarded him with questions and on the last one traced the scar above his eye with her hand. The trooper, still standing with arms at the side, stepped back instinctively. "Long story, General. We've been on Ord Mantel dealing with reports of a collaboration between the Separatists and the crime syndicates." His gaze dropped and she felt his mood turn somber. "We lost a lot of good men... As it turned out they were fighting each other as much as us, and we got caught in the crossfire. Buck... didn't make it out."

Breywen stood in the doorway in front of him and lowered her head. Buck had been a good man, good to her and her former master since the end of the battle of Geonosis. "I'm sorry to hear about Buck..." She reached her hand out and took his, squeezing it gently before letting go. 

"Anyways, General. The 403rd just returned for R&R after that deployment and I wanted to stop by and see you, how you were holding up." The two of them began walking to the common area of the temple. 

"I've been... alright. Bored, really. The council has kept me here ever since..." Her voice dropped at the end.

"I know. I heard you haven't left the planet since Felucia. Are you... is everything alright?" His voice was concerned.

Breywen and Sunny turned to enter the common room and sat at a table. "Yeah, I'm fine. I think the council is worried about my mental well being... A bit too worried. I'm ready, Sunny. I want to get back out there and help." 

Sunny nodded, "I understand, General. I like taking the fight to the clankers as well. And well, if we can do some good for the world too, sign me up." Breywen smiled and put her hand on top of his again. "That's very noble of you, Sunny." The trooper coughed and looked nervous as he slipped his hand away and under the table. "Thank you, General. It's been good seeing you again but I have to get going... I have to report in before going on my official retreat." 

He stood to his feet and Breywen felt a tinge of sadness wash over her. "I understand... Will I see you again?" She too rose, remembering what she had wanted to accomplish before seeing him. "With any luck general, I hope so." He smiled and saluted, before dropping his hand down. "Me too, Sunny. May the Force be with you..." Turning around, the trooper left the room and Breywen went to fetch food before embarking on her task. She sat down and ate her meal, taking some time to read over interesting notes she had found in the archives. An hour or so later, she stood and exited into the main temple. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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