Part 28

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"Aww! Look at you now, all grown up! But your nose is still as tiny as a button!" Rohit teased, causing Diya to pout and him to burst into laughter. He playfully tugged on her cheeks before patting them affectionately. It seemed like just yesterday she was the mischievous and lively little sister he loved to tease. He was overjoyed to see traces of that same girl when she tied Rakhi to him as a curious five-year-old.

Diya let out a sigh, pretending to be upset. "We haven't seen each other in ten years, and you're already teasing me."

Rohit chuckled. "Whose fault is it that we haven't seen each other in ten years? Who forgot about their childhood friend? Was it me or you? I couldn't even reach out to you if I wanted to because you didn't have an email address and I didn't know your new number. What's your excuse?"

Regret gnawed at her conscience. She had assumed her parents would have the contacts of everyone in the neighborhood, but after multiple attempts to distract her from reaching out to them, they confessed that they had lost their list of contacts when they changed phones and SIM cards. The only number she could remember by heart, other than her parents' and emergency numbers, was the landline at Atharv's house. For nearly half a year, she had called that number twice a day, hoping he would answer one day. But eventually, she received an automated message informing her that the number was no longer in service.

Her lips curved up in a thoughtful smile as she watched Atharv interact with Rohit's two-year-old son, Anish. The joyful and kind expression on his face melted her heart and brought a wider smile to her own.

"I can't believe you got married without inviting me, Rohit! I was supposed to dance at your wedding, remember? I even had the perfect playlist all ready!"

Rohit raised his eyebrow and gave her a mischievous smile. "Oh, is that so? Well, I guess we could always get married again!"

Ankita, his wife and high school sweetheart, playfully tossed a cushion at him in response. He ducked just in time, laughing uncontrollably.

"Of course it would be to you, my dear! I wouldn't even think of anyone else!"

Ankita couldn't help but smirk at his reply, trying to hide her blushing cheeks. Atharv and Diya joined in on Rohit's infectious laughter.

Diya couldn't help but wonder if she and her partner could have enjoyed the happiness of a married life like Rohit and Ankita, had it not been for their families' interference and the unfortunate consequences of their own selfish choices. A small voice in the back of her mind questioned what could have been.


"That was a blast! I can't believe you never met Rohit in all these years!"

Atharv and Diya made their way to a familiar cafe from their childhood. The staff was different, but luckily the chef and the flavors of the dishes remained unchanged.

A dark cloud of bitterness crossed Atharv's face as he let out a bitter laugh. "I fled from every shred of my past, determined to erase it all. I even contemplated changing my name, but I couldn't bring myself to do it. It felt like spitting on my parents' graves and betraying their final wishes." He gripped the arms of his chair so tightly that his knuckles turned bone-white, his fingers digging into his palms until they bled. Memories of those harrowing days filled his mind, sending a shiver down his spine that threatened to paralyze him.

"As I stood frozen in fear and hesitation, the weight of my own cowardice crushed me. The lies we tell ourselves, the walls we build to protect our fragile egos. They all crumble in the face of our deepest desires, blinding us to what is right in front of us. And as I desperately searched for something I craved with every fiber of my being, it remained just out of reach, mocking me with its tantalizing presence."

Diya placed her hand on top of his, providing a sense of comfort and warmth. "You have achieved so much," she said softly. "Finishing your degree, starting a successful company- that's no small feat."

"It was all Di's idea," he replied with a slight smile. "She came up with the concept of a finance consulting firm and worked tirelessly to make it a success. Unfortunately, it took a toll on her health. And you, choosing archaeology as a career path- now that's unique."

Diya's frown vanished, replaced by a bright smile as soon as the topic was brought up. Atharv didn't need any more clues to know that she had found her true passion.

"I remember you used to tease me about finding museums more fascinating than theme parks. I still do. It seems my true calling is unraveling the mysteries of the past!"

Atharv smirked, savoring his delicious tiramisu as he watched her. "So, what's the job search looking like?"

Diya rolled her eyes in response. "It's been tough. My family name seems to be getting more attention than my qualifications. It's frustrating, but I won't let it stop me from considering good opportunities. I've had my eye on a private firm that's been making significant strides lately. I may end up joining them."

He nodded in understanding, wanting to assist her in quickly finding a job. However, as he saw her disappointment at being recognized only as Sujith Singh Shekhawat's daughter and not for her own talents, he knew she would not be willing to use any back channels to secure employment.

"I hope you won't get lost at the excavation sites and forget that you have to come home, like that one time in tenth grade when you got lost in a museum. You were so engrossed in the archives that you even sat down on the floor to read through books. I truly admire your passion for archeology, but please don't give me any more gray hairs worrying about your whereabouts when you're simply lost in your work."

Diya glared at him, her cheeks flushed and lips pressed together tightly. He couldn't contain his laughter, which only made her scowl deepen. She had been so engrossed in the museum's information that she ignored the frequent announcements from the staff telling her to come to the office. They were obviously worried about her, but she was too caught up in the moment. Her annoyance melted into a smile as she watched him double over with laughter. It was almost as if he hadn't had a good day in years and was savoring every second of this one.

It tugged at her heartstrings, causing them to fray and break. The optimistic and selfless side of her was relieved that he had found closure and redemption in the never-ending tunnel of revenge. She promised herself to protect that light and make sure it never dims again.


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