Chapter 7: Petty Proposal

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I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. The golden framed mirror reflected a different me. A different Lainie.

Maybe it had to do with the fact I was wearing a dress. I hadn't worn a dress in years. For prom, I hadn't even attended due to the utter horror of wearing a dress and dancing. Oh, and I didn't have many friends or a guy who admired me enough to take me.

But I knew if I was to be able to have enough money for college, I would have to become Henry's fake girlfriend/fiancée and I would have to deal with everything which came along with that. I fixed my dress and carefully took the crystal pendant April had lent me. I put it on, tousled my curled hair and slipped on my new strappy heels. I was going to die in these. They were nearly six inches!

I stood up too quickly which resulted in nearly falling flat on my face.

"Ow," I whimpered. I pushed myself from the ground and smiled because my nose wasn't bleeding or broken. Imagine showing up for dinner with a bloodied nose! Steve would throw a fit.

"Lainie, hurry up!" Steve called from downstairs. Speak of the devil!

I bit my lip. Checking my reflection one last time and making sure nothing was out of place, I decided I would finally leave the security of my room. See what dresses did to me? They made me plain nervous. I grabbed my Chanel clutch and slowly walked down the stairs, my heels clicking on the marble.

"Oh Lainie, you look beautiful," Steve complimented. He hugged me and I laughed nervously.


I turned to Henry, who was leaning against the wall and staring at me. He was in a classic black tuxedo and wow, did he look ... yummy! His shoulders looked extra broad and I could imagine folding myself in his arms and ... no! Lainie, stop it! I blinked and forced snapped out of my stupid thoughts. Henry was a jerk. A complete jerk! I could never be attracted to him.

"You two better get going," Steve said, interrupting my thoughts.

Henry led the way so I followed him out the door. Steve was behind me and locking up the mansion with his own set of keys. I watched silently as he headed towards his Mercedes parked right in front of the porch to go home ... and work most likely because that was just how he was.

"Bye!" I called to him.

"Good luck!"

I waved until he was out of the iron gates and waited impatiently for Henry to bring the car around from the garage. Why was he taking so long? I sighed irritably and tapped my foot. When he finally arrived in his Ferrari, I hopped in and questioned, "What took you so long?"

Henry glared ahead as he drove. "Well, someone thought it would be funny to put fruit in my McLaren's exhaust pipe."

My eyes bulged. I had forgotten about that little but very efficient prank. "I wonder who it was." Henry turned to stare at me and I knew my innocent look wasn't working.

"Pretend all you want, I know it was you."

I sighed in defeat and looked out the window. From then on, it was a silent ride. Too silent. I reached out my hand to turn on the radio but Henry's hand had outstretched to turn on the radio too.

"Sorry," I mumbled, drawing my hand away.

Henry grunted and flicked through different stations, finally landing on a station playing Stuck on You by Lionel Richie. I grinned to myself and I sang along in my head because it was one of my favourites. When I felt as if someone was staring at me, I turned towards Henry and it turned out that is was him. I flushed under his incredulous stare. 

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