chapter 93

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Sadhvi's pov :

I didn't like the fact that he is apologizing's just that we need to learn from our mistakes and move forward.
And understanding eachother so that such things will never repeat in future.

So I just tried to kiss him on his lips......
Listen! keyword here is tried......

Because when I tried to kiss him when I don't know how to kiss......imagine how it would be.
Here I am trying to capture his lower lip in  between mine but due to my lousy kissing skills I couldn't do that......
Finally giving up I was just pecking his upper lip and his lower one consecutively.....
After few pecks I left him....

I can still see the shock on his face. Even when I was 'kissing' him he was just stiffened and stood there in shock....he didn't even responded.

There was an awkward silence between us......
And I was feeling shy.......I just kissed him.......I took the initiative to kiss him!

From when did I become so straightforward?

Oh my god!!!!

I so want to go away from there and hide in bathroom for sometime.......I just don't know how to face him after my bold act....

But I was just standing in my place without moving an inch. It was just now that our misunderstandings were clearing up.....if I go what if the issues again rise up?
But then again for how much time he is planning to stand still like he is doing for the past five minutes?

I cleared my throat loudly which he listened and snapped to the reality just as I have anticipated.

He bit his lip and then he asked me

"What did you just do?"

Gosh!!! What should I reply now?

'Dude I just kissed you....chill out okay?' shall I say this.....this looks cool but then it looks so casual too.

Shall I say ' what's the big deal in kissing baby?' looks bold.

God please help me out!!
What should I even reply to his nonsensical  question?

Like why is he even asking me what I just did?

He knows right I kissed him.....he is my legally and religiously married husband......i have got all the bloody rights to do that. Even he was saying that he is mine and now he got problem with me kissing him?

That thought made my anger rise up.....without even thinking I said
"You have got a problem with it?" With my frowned brows......

If he says yes I don't think I will think twice before kicking his ass.....

Like what in the hell he got a problem.

So he better say no and be a obedient husband.

May be he sensed my anger through my behaviour....he immediately shook his head negatively.

I smiled appreciatively at him. He did the right thing.

Just then I realized that it may be late now because Siddarth has come home already.....and I haven't even cooked anything for dinner.

I immediately looked at the digital clock on the bedside was already 8 in the night.

I gasped and took steps towards the door.

Just when I was about to grab the handle of the door someone pulled me back by my waist.

I know it is Siddarth as only we are in home.....but had a firm hold on my waist.
No one ever touched me other than him like not the first time he held my waist this tightly because he did on the day of our first kiss....but after that he never held me this firmly. Even when we cuddled in bed he held a me like I am a glass doll.

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