Chapter 73

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I stay still watching his car disappear in the darkness. I grasp the jacket tightly around me biting my lip. A new emotion overwhelms me; emptiness. A void slices through me; the terrible void of his absence. I walk to the stairs and sit on the higher one looking at the garden and the petite glistening angels above me thinking only one thing. I didn't want him to go.

I throw my head on my hands when strong car lights brighten up the garden of the house. A car stops outside and my heart slips a beat when my angel gets out. I raise on my feet staring at him bewildered. He walks rapidly up the stairs, taking two at a time, and before I can form a coherent word, his lips connect with mine. He slides his arms around me lifting me a few inches from the ground. I wrap my hands around his neck kissing him back. This time, he doesn't hold back. He bites my bottom lips and I give him access as his tongue finds its way to mine. I moan as my whole body ignites.

For so much time, I hadn't been feeling with beautifully torturing fire on me. He leans on me kissing me more eagerly and depending; I almost reel against him. When he breaks the kiss, he rests his forehead in mine as our pants fill the inches that part our swollen lips. I look up to him to find his blazing wide eyes staring down at me.

"Why did you leave?" I ask when I find my cracked voice.

"Because I'm an asshole," I small giggle erupts in my lips as he smiles briefly.

"I didn't want you to," I admit whispering. His eyes widen a bit and I know he didn't expect it.

"I just thought you need time after everything that happened today," I shake my head; his hands still holding me.

"No, not without you," I let my head fall on his chest listening to his pulsating heart.

"I meant it," I mutter before I gaze up, my eyes well up with tears. He saved me and now he experienced the consequences of my terrified nightmare too.

"I'm sorry for almost getting expelled, for getting hurt, for dealing with all this when I was the one..." He doesn't let me finish as his lips kiss mine in a reassuring long yet sweet kiss. His arms cradle me and he pulls me down. He sits down on the stairs bringing me in his lap. I slide my hands around him while his embrace gets tighter. I squeeze him listening to the increasing beat of his heart. His addictive scent fills my air. I close my eyes relishing the moment I wish could last forever.

"You could have lost your right to earn your sister's custody because of me," I say. When I came home, I kept thinking and analyzing his actions and motives. Only then did I realized the depth of his actions to protect me and keep me safe. I was a liability yet he made me his priority by choosing me over everything and everything. Like he had said he would.

"I'm so sorry, Corbyn,"

"Shhh," He coos. His fingers travel up and down my back caressing me reassuringly.

"I'm sorry for everything," I shutter.

"Don't," He crushes me to his chest before he raises my chin. My teary eyes contact with his vibrant yet stormy blue ones. "Don't apologize...please," His fixed gaze on me is tender. The entreaty in his voice warms my soul and I squeeze him hiding in his embrace.

"How did you know?" I question softly while my body fills with icy fright. "How did you know I was there?" I sense his body stiffen under my own as his breath gets hitched in his throat. He hides his face in my hair inhaling deeply and his hold tightens.

"I wanted to talk to you and I followed you. You disappeared and I start panicking, I was walking when I hear thumbs from inside. It took me a few minutes to find you but when I did...You were laying frozen in the ground and he was undressing," I lean up and take place my hands on his cheeks. My fingertips caress his soft skin while I peer at him.

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