Tea Shop

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~ Veronica's POV ~

It was dark now, and we were just cleaning up the tea shop. I looked out, and saw some guy walking towards the shop.

He walked straight up to Iroh, and gave him some sort of a message.

"This is a message from the palace." The guy said, and immediately walked away.

What a weird guy.

Iroh opened the scroll, and read through it quickly. He then smiled.

"I can't believe it.." He said, surprised by what was inside the scroll. By what happened earlier, I supposed it was that fake invitation from the king.

"What is it Uncle?" Zuko asked, and walked over to Iroh, stopping what he was doing. I walked over as well.

"Amazing new! We were invited to serve tea.. to the king himself!" Iroh smiled and showed us the scroll. Well, it would be a shame if that was a fake one..

Iroh ran off somewhere, and Zuko smiled at him. Then, we went back to sweeping the floor.

"That's amazing news. I'm sure your uncle must be very happy." I smiled at him.

"It looks like that he is. I'm glad as well." Zuko replied, and swept the carpet.

~ time skip ~

Zuko wanted me to go with them, and I was glad that he did. Iroh wasn't so sure about it, but said that I could go with them.

So, we were on our way there.

"I used to saw myself here a lot of times, at the entrance of the palace. But I thought that I would enter as a conqueror, but now we're going to serve the king tea as private hosts. Destiny definitely has a sense of humour." Iroh smiled, as the three of us walked towards the castle.

Incase, I kept a little bit of rocks in my pocket. It's not like I won't have any around me, but I wanted to feel safe.

"It definitely has uncle." Zuko agreed with him, and I smiled at them.

"Thank you for letting me how with you." I thanked them, since it's usually an honour to meet the king. We're not going to meet him, but that doesn't matter.

"There's nothing more we can do, after you've done so much for us Veronica." Iroh looked at me with a smile.

That was partly the truth. I did a lot for them, but for a different reason.

We were let in, and they showed us the room the king would meet us in.

~ Y/N's POV, earlier this morning ~

Me, Ty Lee, Mai and Azula were somewhere underground. We have established everything, about me joining them and pledging my loyalty to Azula. So, now I was on their team, fully aware of everything.

Ty Lee and Mai were in the Kyoshi uniforms, and me and Azula were in a matching dresses.

The whole Dai Li was standing in front of us, and Azula was about to give them a speech.

Yet, I didn't pay much attention. I knew everything I needed, so there was no reason to listen. Nothing changed. The plan stayed the same, even with me.

Azula walked down, around the Dai Li, still giving the speech.

"That is all." Azula finished her speech, as I poured some tea for myself and Azula. The Dai Li left, and it was just the four of us.

Azula walked over to us again.

"Nice speech Azula. Pretty, poetic and basically even scary." I smiled at her, and gave her one of the cups with tea.

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