The Persians Join The War

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-Lance POV-

I woke up tied down to a bed. My leg was bandaged up and the arrows were gone.

I saw my suit and armor were sitting in the corner of the tent, and I was in a pair of baggy white pants. I struggled, but it was no use. I wasn't close enough to the ground to use earth magic, and there wasn't any water around. I took a breath, then remember one of Leonidas's tales where he was captured and tortured by Persians. I mentally prepared myself for what was surely coming.

The tent flap opened and general Leon walked in. "Hello Lance." He said with a smile.

I glared at him. "I won't give you anything." I said simply.

He chuckled. "We'll see. I hope you're ready, I have something special in store for you. You actually woke up just in time." He said.

I kept silent and kept glaring. Two huge Persians walked in and untied me, but kept me restrain and off the ground.

I growled and struggled, but I couldn't get away. They took me to a tent with a large wooden box inside. They threw me in and forced the lid on. I tried to break out, but they nailed it shut. There was a small hole just above my head.

There wasn't enough room in the box to actually use my spear properly, so that was out of the question. "Let me know when you're ready to talk." He said before leaving.

I growled, but didn't respond. At least they'd given me a pillow.

I took a breath and closed my eyes. 'Calm down. Just think.' I thought to myself. I tried to think of something, but I couldn't.

I decided to just go to sleep. I didn't even have a dream, when I woke up I was thirsty.

"Can I get some water?" I asked.

I heard one of the guards speak. "No." They said.

A minute later they dropped a bottle of rum through the hole and I heard a different voice. "Sorry about him. There isn't enough water in this for you to use it as a weapon, but it will quench your thirst." The voice said, it sounded female.

I nodded. "Thank you. When I get out of her I'll do my best to spare you, but your friend there. I'm going to butcher him." I said deadly serious.

She giggled. "I'm sorry to inform you, but there's no way out of there." She said almost apologetically.

I laughed. "Well, I guess we'll find out, now won't we?" I asked.

Her friend scoffed. "Even if you did, what could you do?" He asked cockily.

I chuckled. "Why do you think I'm in this box? You think general Leon put me in here because he's not afraid of me?" I asked.

He scoffed. "Whatever." He said.

I laughed a little. "You're cocky now, but I'm gonna cut your head off when I'm out." I said.

They both went silent. I opened the bottle and took a swig.

A week later I was laying there after doing everything I could to exercise. I was so bored.

"Can I get a book?" I asked.

"No." Was all I heard.

"I really am gonna kill you, you know that?" I asked.

He just scoffed.

The next day they pulled me out of the box and hung me by my hands, making sure I never touched the ground or any sort of water. They hosed me down with rum, they whipped and beat me, they carved at my skin with jagged daggers, then they burned me with hot iron. After they put me back in the box, they gave me more rum and food. Two days later they pulled me out and did it again. That was their cycle, every third day they tortured me.

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